Quick lime plant
According to the characteristics of limestone, our company create a unique limestone equipment, it can maximize the use of raw materials,and create a high quality lime, achieve the energy-saving effect.
Quick Lime Plant Process
Our company's limestone equipment have high resource utilization, production process of fine, quality of products produced higher advantages, this equipment get the of loveusers.
Step1:Limestone crushing--Broke the limestone into particles
a.Process introduction: Because the limestone volume in open is too big, can't carried out to production, so it is necessary to broke the limestone, the limestone should be break into 10-50 mm particles.
b.The main raw material:limetone
Step2:Average storage--Put the limestone average storage
a.Process introduction: Put the crushing limestone piled into a rectangle, each stack of equal size, and let the limestone is stored, for the next step in the process.
b.The main raw material:limestone
Step3:Lime calcining--Calcination the lime,produced products
a.Process introduction: In this process, the stored limestone conveying to the rotary kiln for calcining, then send the cooked lime into a cooler for cooling, producte the qualified lime products.
b.The main raw material:lime
Step4 Lime storage--Storage and loading
a.Process introduction: The calcined lime send into the repository, after bagging, transport out of factories, sales to the market.
b.The main raw material:lime
Company Name: Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
24-hour Free Sales Consulting Phone : 861-0371 -5590 2866 .
Company Address: Qiaolou caizhai industrial estate, Xingyang city, Henan Province
Please pay attention to the company's other products:
Vibration Screen:
Rotary Kiln:
Air Swept Coal Mill:
Rod mill:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29097739/viewspace-773955/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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