AC040--Transaction-Based Postings in CO
1.Transaction-Based Postings in Overhead Cost Controlling
*There are two types of reposting, manual reposting of costs (or revenues) and reposting of line items:
.Manual reposting of costs simply transfers costs from one Controlling object to another. This type of reposting does not preserve a direct link between the amount transferred and the transaction that originally posted the costs to CO.
.When you repost line items, on the other hand, you specify the FI document number. The reposting document contains a reference to the original FI document.
*The system recognizes the following budget types for internal orders:
.Original budget . the budget originally allocated
.Budget updates . include supplements and returns for cases where unforeseen events make it necessary to correct the original budget
.Current budget . the original budget plus all updates
*The tool works in the following sequence:
.Definition of costing models as predefined quantity structures that depend on allocation bases (cost drivers)
.Easy Cost Planning using these costing models
.Actual costs recorded using Execution Services on the basis of the planned data
2.Transaction-Based Postings in Cost Object Controlling
*With Product Cost by Order, Cost Object Controlling supplies information about production orders whose costs are to be settled to the inventory,.
*Product Cost by Period allows you to analyze costs by period. Costs are collected and analyzed over a specific time period using a product cost collector.
*Product Cost by Sales Order uses sales order items as cost objects for which you can calculate costs and revenues for both plan and actual data.
*the basic steps are always as follows:
.First you select the cost objects that are most appropriate as far as their functions or integration are concerned.
.For most of the cost objects, you can calculate the costs and save these costs as plan values on the cost object.
.The sequence of the actual postings is not predefined. Instead, it is derived from the business transactions.
.The activity output can consume internal activities from cost centers, which you can post manually with the time sheet or confirmations.
.Purchased external activity or externally procured goods can result in goods and invoice receipts that are assigned on the cost object.
.You can allocate overhead rates and processes as periodic transactions.
.If products are completed, they can be delivered to the warehouse. This normally credits the cost object accordingly.
.At the end of the period, you can determine WIP, calculate accrual on the cost objects, and/or calculate variance (final costing) depending on the cost object type.
.At the end of the period, you settle the cost object.
3.Transaction-Based Postings for Profitability and Sales Accounting
*What happens next depends on whether the sales order is or is not a cost object:
.If the sales order on which billing is based is not a cost object, these condition types are assigned to the value fields in costing-based profitability analysis and posted to CO-PA automatically.
.If the sales order on which billing is based is a cost object, the revenues are assigned to the sales order
4.Profit Center Valuation and Transfer Prices
*If the material ledger is productive, you can carry up to three valuations for your materials. These valuations are legal valuation, group valuation, and profit center valuation.
.The legal valuation approach is based on the legal sales price (according to commercial law).
.The group view of the actual cost of goods manufactured for a product is achieved by eliminating all realized or assumed profit in the value chain within the group.
.The profit center valuation approach is based on an agreed transfer price.With cross-company code deliveries between profit centers, the prices for the legal and PCA approaches must be maintained currently in SD.
1.Enter the FI posting
Choose Accounting →Financial Accounting →General Ledger →Document Entry →Enter G/L Account Document.
Run the Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance report.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
2.Repost (without reference to the FI document) costs from the service cost center to the production cost center.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Actual Postings →Manual Reposting of Costs →Enter.
Run the Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance report.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
3.Create a direct activity allocation to allocate 50 hours of activity type CHK-## and 90 hours of activity type REP-## from cost center SERV-## to cost center PROD-##.
Create a direct activity allocation.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Actual Postings →Activity Allocation →Enter.
Run the Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance report.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
4.Create an entry using the cross-application time sheet and transfer the information to Controlling.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Actual Postings →Time Sheet →CATS Classic →Record Working Times.
Data Entry Profile,
Choose Release View that is displayed at the bottom of the screen
choose Release
Transfer the time sheet information you entered to CO only.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Actual Postings →Time Sheet →Transfer →Accounting.
Run the Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance report.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting → Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
5.Post entries against a budget
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Internal Orders →Budgeting →Original Budget →Change
If you want to check whether your trade fair order has been released, proceed as follows:
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Internal Orders →Master Data →Special Functions →Order →Change.
Enter your order number, and choose Master Data.
Choose the Control Data tab.
If the order has not been released, choose Release (located to the right of the System Status field). The status changes and is now REL.
Enter one more G/L account posting
If you post another amount of 1000, the system displays an error message.
6.Create a PP production order
Choose Logistics →Production →Production Control →Order →Create →With Material .
Check the components that were copied from the BOM to the production order. In addition, check the operations in the operation overview.
Choose Component Overview.
Choose Operation Overview.
Choose Order Header. On the header screen, choose the Control Data tab.
The fields that are relevant for the costing are in the Costing group box. These fields are Costing Variant Plan, Costing Variant Actual,Costing Sheet, Overhead Key, Results Analysis Key, and Variance Key.
Choose Header →Settlement Rule.
To release the order, choose Release Order.
7.Analyze a production order
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Product Cost Controlling →Cost Object Controlling →Product Cost by Order →Information System →Reports for Product Cost by Order →Detailed Reports →For Orders.
8.Post a goods issue.
Choose Logistics →Materials Management →Inventory Management→Goods Movement →Goods Issue.
Choose To Reservation
9.Analyze a production order
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Product Cost Controlling →Cost Object Controlling →Product Cost by Order →Information System →Reports for Product Cost by Order →Detailed Reports →For Orders.
10.Confirmcompletion of an activity
Confirm partial completion for the last operation (70) of the production order.
Choose Logistics →Production →Production Control →Confirmation →Enter →For Operation →Progress Confirmation.
Enter the order number and enter operation 70.
Choose Enter.
Choose Partial Confirmation.
11.Review actual costs posted.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Product Cost Controlling →Cost Object Controlling →Product Cost by Order →Information System →Reports for Product Cost by Order →Detailed Reports →For Orders.
12.Post primary costs
Choose Accounting →Financial Accounting →General Ledger → Document Entry →Enter G/L Account Document.
13.Review actual costs posted
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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