Credit limit change request and new enterprise service
The process of requesting the change of customer’s credit limit has been systemized. In that process, the sales rep can create credit limit change request which will be mailed to credit rep who can approve and change the limit accordingly or forward to financial clerk for further information or just refuse it. The confirmation information will finally pass to the sales rep.
It should be great. Yes? But I find one problem which let down my interest a lot. SAP does not make any connection between the approval of request and the modification of the limit master. The process is just separated apart. You can only manually change the limit master. Don’t know the reason why SAP not doing better.
By the way, another perhaps more important thing is that the function is part of FSCM. I am not sure if it’s also part of ERP or if FSCM is shipped free with ERP.
One further topic is the functions introduced with ehp2 and ehp4 on credit limit change request handling with enterprise service. The focus is to build some standard interfaces with other applications and non-SAP systems. I will have it explained in Chinese to better illustrate the topic: the role of enterprise service or ESOA.
- 場景一:透過外部系統提交請求
- 銷售人員在一個非SAP的外部系統中制定銷售計劃。
- 外部系統從SAP讀取客戶信用限額(ES: read credit account),對比,確定需要提交信用限額更改請求。
- 外部系統提交信用限額更改請求給SAP(ES: create credit limit change request)。
- SAP人員檢查請求(ES: check create credit limit change request)。
- 場景二:其他應用讀取請求資訊
- CRM系統如果需要客戶限額更改請求資訊,則可以透過ES: find credit limit change request和ES: read credit limit change request來實現。
- 場景三:想要由SAP來管理更改過程,但是由於有現有的慣用的外部系統,不想到SAP介面中去做。
- SAP定期建立信用限額更改請求(ES: create …)。
- 外部系統讀取過來(ES: find…, read…),處理,將確認的請求限額向SAP傳送更新(ES: update …)。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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