最近知道了一個新名詞:Microsoft Dynamics AX


事情起因於和老闆的一番談話,要不然也許我也不會發現Microsoft 已經幾乎無處不在了。他對我說,他希望我瞭解更多的東西,而不是僅限於ABAP,如果可以的話,希望我研究一下Microsoft Dynamics AX, 不過他也不知道將會使用什麼語言開發的。當時我當然什麼都不知道,於是後邊google了一把,發現微軟已經進軍ERP好幾年了呵呵,可惜我居然這麼孤陋寡聞。下邊的一邊文章轉載自網上:

Why Dynamics AX beats SAP

http://dynamics-ax.blogspot.com/2007/01/why-dynamics-ax-beats-sap.htmlWhy Dynamics AX beats SAP I am sure the title of this post could cause all kinds of backlashings. People could say that I am very basis, because I work and implement Dynamics AX. The reality though, of the title, is still there. Dynamics AX beats SAP. What I want to address is this post, is the reason's I think why!

Reason number one: Flexibilitybbs

This first reason is most likely the top reason why Dynamics AX beats SAP hands down. SAP is a very cumbersome monster, and not very flexible, when it comes to taking SAP and changing it, modifying it, etc. On the other hand you can change anything you need to in Dynamics AX. This may scare some people, but to the majority, businesses see this as what is it. This is the key for the software you purchase, to grow as your business grows. Going with a ERP package like SAP, you have to adhere to SAP's thoughts about your business, how they think is best your ) | f d$ U; @3 abusiness runs. Dynamics AX, you are in control, and granted best business practices should be sought after, but those best can be applied to your custom needs. So the flexibility of Dynamics AX beats out the in-flexibility of SAP hands down.

Reason number two: Product Stack

The second reason, that I think, Dynamics AX beats out SAP is the product stack. Dynamics AX is owned and developed by Microsoft. Your servers, your workstations, your office products, your web sites, your custom applications, mostly all of them are Microsoft Products. The database, SQL Server, is a Microsoft product. That 微軟,微軟中國,解決方案,中文社群,微軟中文社群,AX,Dynamics,微軟ERP,NAV,CRM,SL,人力資源,商業機會,本地化,下載,實施,績效,辦公自動化,破解,ERP破解,無限使用者,實施手冊,顧問,ERP實施,ERP專案管理,微軟論壇,ERP論壇,ERP交流平臺.erp論壇,erp系統,erp基礎,erp學習,download,dba,database,招聘求職, ~, c9 [0 B" {# B' t$ |3 e
should be enough said, but to continue, the product stack is very important when talking about what ERP system you are going to choose for a long term investment. Currently Dynamics AX 4.01 is highly integrated with the different product lines of Microsoft, and with the release of Vista, DotNet 3.0, Commerce Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2007, Exchange 2007, Office 2007, all these product lines will become even more tightly integrated, seamless for some, into the Dynamics AX product. This means that you will be able to work from SharePoint, Excel Services, and create a Spreadsheet, that can work directly with Dynamics AX ERP data, like Human Resources, etc. And it will all be centrally managed in a decentralized controlled fashion by the information worker. Now let me back up, and not go to far into the roadmap, but, to say the least Dynamics AX is part of the product stack fromMicrosoft Dynamics中文社群& O: D O( x8 s- i
Microsoft, which runs your network, and your workstations, SAP is not.

Reason number three: Microsoft

The reason, by far, is the most hated and loved at the same time. Microsoft is top, and being at the top, means that everyone loves and hates you at the same time. Still the fact remains, Microsoft is a giant, with a great vision for the future for information workers. They actually spent the time and money, and they get it. To refer back to the road map, the future of Dynamics AX and the Microsoft Product line is wonderful, and truly exciting.
They understand what SOA really means, and the benefits from it. There is no true cost saving in the buzz word called SOA, the true benefit is a long term investment in flexibility. (now what was the first reason Dynamics AX beats SAP? was it flexibility?) I have seen SAP roadmap for their SOA completion, and they are barely releasing JBOWS, or "Just a bunch of web services" that offer us the same inflexible business logic. True SOA has not been reached yet, as we are just in the third wave of it. True SOA will come of age around 2010-2013 and that is the exact road map timeline for future releases, when Dynamics AX, Dynamics in general, and the entire Microsoft product suite will offer true SOA benefits, because it will truly be SOA, and truly be a change in the way information workers think about their Excel spreadsheet, Access databases, and Dynamics AX data. A seamless UI, through SharePoint, that allows controlled access, in a decentralized way. So the third reason, Dynamics AX true future of flexibility (and current flexibility) beats SAP's JBOWS, hands down.
微軟,微軟中國,解決方案,中文社群,微軟中文社群,AX,Dynamics,微軟ERP,NAV,CRM,SL,人力資源,商業機會,本地化,下載,實施,績效,辦公自動化,破解,ERP破解,無限使用者,實施手冊,顧問,ERP實施,ERP專案管理,微軟論壇,ERP論壇,ERP交流平臺.erp論壇,erp系統,erp基礎,erp學習,download,dba,database,招聘求職0 E9 G& E& R" ^3 z+ B4 R
Well I could continue on, but for now I will stop at what I have already said. I suggest that if you don't believe me, look at it for yourself, and ask if Dynamics AX does not beat SAP in what I have said. Then ask yourself where SAP beats Dynamics AX? (Empty thoughts I know!) I am sure that this post could make a lot of SAP people mad, but this is business, and that what Dynamics AX is...

your business. Is it not worth truely understanding?

P.S. The following links are just a few examles of where Dynamics AX is beating out SAP, today!


以上是文章內容,其實作為一個靠SAP吃飯的顧問來說,時時瞭解ERP產業的發展是蠻重要的。其實我是蠻看好微軟的,原因是它出了很多東西,都得到了很大面積的承認,比如說資料庫,本身是Oracle和DB2 應該佔據了很大市場,可是微軟也出了自己的資料庫,現在也不是很多企業使用嗎?微軟的產品很多都是和自己開發的產品有關聯,因此對於一些企業來講,這樣也許能夠更簡單的使用這些產品。

不過我認為,也許這也可能會是微軟這類產品不能擴張的一個方面,因為太多企業的服務平臺使用unix了。不過,套用李寧公司的廣告詞,一切皆有可能,或者套用adidas的廣告:Nothing is imposible.... 讓我們拭目以待吧。



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