ms dtc無法正確處理DC升降級事件,ms dtc將繼續執行並使用現有安全設定。
1. Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services.
2. Click the "+" next to Component services to expand it.
3. Right click "My Computer" in the right window pane and select Properties.
4. Click the MS DTC Tab.
5. Click the "Security Configuration" button, a dialog box appears. Click "OK".
6. Click "OK" on the "My Computer Properties" box; this will take you back to the console.
7. Right click "My Computer" and select "Stop MS DTC" (this stops the MSDTC service.
8. Again, right click "My Computer" and select "Start MS DTC".[@more@]
2. Click the "+" next to Component services to expand it.
3. Right click "My Computer" in the right window pane and select Properties.
4. Click the MS DTC Tab.
5. Click the "Security Configuration" button, a dialog box appears. Click "OK".
6. Click "OK" on the "My Computer Properties" box; this will take you back to the console.
7. Right click "My Computer" and select "Stop MS DTC" (this stops the MSDTC service.
8. Again, right click "My Computer" and select "Start MS DTC".[@more@]
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