Viva:Open Java的Source (轉)

Viva:Open Java的Source (轉)[@more@]

眾所周知,語言本身並不是的。現在,Open Source社群創辦了一個網站————專門從事Open Source的Java語言實現。這對於Java的推廣和發展將大有幫助。



Viva - a site dedicated to open source Java - is now live.

Viva aims to give you a quick overview of the state of open source Java and uncover and clarify Sun's open source Java stand.

For now the Viva site includes:

* a directory listing open source Java runtimes, compilers, core libraries, test suites, FAQs, UI toolkits and more

* another directory listing dozens of open source Java runtimes from the research community

* a link directory about open source basics and about Sun's official open source PR propaganda

* a call to action to pressure Sun to open source the Java core and to help secure the future of Java as an open royality-free standard

* more to come

Full story @

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