MySQL 資料對比
MySQL資料對比是常見的日常任務,使用pt-checksum 只能對比主從複製的資料,並且效率和使用上也不太方便。
要求,mysql 表必須有自增主鍵,對比期間不會加鎖。對於不是非常非常高併發的主從複製,也可以進行資料的對比。
CheckTables 可以指定全部對比,也可以指定對位元定的表
{ "SourceMySQLHost": "", "SourceMySQLPort": 20996, "SourceMySQLDB": "test", "SourceMySQLUser": "msandbox", "SourceMySQLUserPassword": "msandbox", "TargetMySQLHost": "", "TargetMySQLPort": 20996, "TargetMySQLDB": "test2", "TargetMySQLUser": "msandbox", "TargetMySQLUserPassword": "msandbox", "ChecksumHost": "", "ChecksumPort": 20996, "ChecksumDB": "test", "ChecksumUser": "msandbox", "ChecksumPassword": "msandbox", "CheckTables":"*", "ChunkSize":2000, "CommitLimit":1000 --批次提交crc結果數量 }
go run *.go 2022-01-13 09:49:33 INFO Read config: db.conf.json table not in target:[accounts accounts2 accounts3 accounts_del active_node crc_1 crc_2 crc_result cycle_count_task_assignment_rule_v2_tab dba_test experiment_config_tab inbound_mbn_tab node_health node_health_history rs sbtest5_bak t_checksum user_bak user_infos] table not in source:[sbtest5 user2] tables to be compare:[user] begin compare table:%s int db tables user test test2 Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... diff values chunk len: 5 begin to find diff rows in table: test user compare diff.......... Table rows in test.user chunk_num:5854 crc is not same,check end_pk row Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... begin to find diff rows in table: test user compare diff.......... Table rows in test.user chunk_num:7841 crc is not same,check end_pk row Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... begin to find diff rows in table: test user compare diff.......... Table rows in test.user chunk_num:9275 crc is not same,check end_pk row Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... begin to find diff rows in table: test user compare diff.......... Table rows in test.user chunk_num:11507 crc is not same,check end_pk row Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... begin to find diff rows in table: test user compare diff.......... Table rows in test.user chunk_num:13173 crc is not same,check end_pk row Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping... table compare elapsed: 25.583540092s done
select * from crc_result where chunk_num=11507; +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+ | id | dbname | table_name | chunk_num | start_pk | end_pk | crc | cnt | ctime | which | +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+ | 59719 | test | user | 11507 | 81022 | 81024 | ac9e9b3 | 1 | 2022-01-13 09:49:58 | source | | 59720 | test2 | user | 11507 | 81022 | 81024 | 7573c5a8 | 2 | 2022-01-13 09:49:58 | target | +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+
select * from crc_result where chunk_num=9275; +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+ | id | dbname | table_name | chunk_num | start_pk | end_pk | crc | cnt | ctime | which | +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+ | 55255 | test | user | 9275 | 12457 | 12458 | a2e9ba83 | 1 | 2022-01-13 09:49:56 | source | | 55256 | test2 | user | 9275 | 12457 | 12458 | 67fab947 | 1 | 2022-01-13 09:49:56 | target | +-------+--------+------------+-----------+----------+--------+----------+-----+---------------------+--------+
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