PostgreSQL 資料庫結構(DDL)比對工具 pgquarrel
pgquarrel是一個PostgreSQL資料庫的資料庫結構(DDL)比對工具。它會對比兩個資料庫源,並輸出一個表示DDL差異的檔案。 如果將輸出檔案執行到目標資料庫中,它將具有與源資料庫相同的結構。 主要使用場景是將資料庫更改部署到測試或生產環境。
pgquarrel不依賴於另一個工具(如pg_dump),而是直接連線到 PostgreSQL 伺服器,從目錄中獲取後設資料,比較物件並輸出將目標資料庫轉換為源資料庫所需的命令。它擁有過濾器選項:所以,可以比較部分物件。
它可以適用於不同的PostgreSQL版本。如果源PostgreSQL 版本大於目標PostgreSQL版本,生成的檔案無法按預期工作。這是因為該工具會生成以前 PostgreSQL 版本中不存在的命令,在低版本中卻不能應用。 適用於不同的作業系統。
下邊是我在Linux環境進行的測試,資料庫版本為源端172.20.10.7(主機名sandata02):PostgreSQL 10.14,目標端172.20.10.8(主機名t1ysl)PostgreSQL 11.5。
[root@sandata02 tmp]# yum install -y git cmake
[pg10@sandata02 ~]$ cd /tmp/ [pg10@sandata02 tmp]$ git clone
[pg10@sandata02 ~]$ cd /tmp/pgquarrel/ [pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/pgquarrel -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/pgquarrel -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5 -- Check for working C compiler: /bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done COVERAGE: no pg_config: /home/pg10/soft/bin/pg_config PostgreSQL FOUND: LIBS: /home/pg10/soft/lib/libpgport.a;/home/pg10/soft/lib/libpgcommon.a PostgreSQL LIBRARIES: /home/pg10/soft/lib/ PostgreSQL LIBRARY DIRS: /home/pg10/soft/lib PostgreSQL INCLUDE DIRS: /home/pg10/soft/include/postgresql/server;/home/pg10/soft/include -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/pgquarrel [pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ make Scanning dependencies of target mini [ 2%] Building C object mini/CMakeFiles/mini.dir/mini-file.c.o [ 5%] Building C object mini/CMakeFiles/mini.dir/mini-parser.c.o [ 8%] Building C object mini/CMakeFiles/mini.dir/mini-readline.c.o [ 11%] Building C object mini/CMakeFiles/mini.dir/mini-strip.c.o Linking C shared library [ 11%] Built target mini Scanning dependencies of target pgquarrel [ 13%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/am.c.o [ 16%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/aggregate.c.o [ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/cast.c.o [ 22%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/collation.c.o [ 25%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/common.c.o [ 27%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/conversion.c.o [ 30%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/domain.c.o [ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/eventtrigger.c.o [ 36%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/extension.c.o [ 38%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/fdw.c.o [ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/function.c.o [ 44%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/index.c.o [ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/language.c.o [ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/matview.c.o [ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/operator.c.o [ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/policy.c.o [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/publication.c.o [ 61%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/privileges.c.o [ 63%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/quarrel.c.o [ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/rule.c.o [ 69%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/schema.c.o [ 72%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/sequence.c.o [ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/server.c.o [ 77%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/statistics.c.o [ 80%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/subscription.c.o [ 83%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/table.c.o [ 86%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/textsearch.c.o [ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/transform.c.o [ 91%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/trigger.c.o [ 94%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/type.c.o [ 97%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/usermapping.c.o [100%] Building C object CMakeFiles/pgquarrel.dir/src/view.c.o Linking C executable pgquarrel [100%] Built target pgquarrel [pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ make install [ 11%] Built target mini [100%] Built target pgquarrel Install the project... -- Install configuration: "" -- Installing: /tmp/pgquarrel/bin/pgquarrel -- Set runtime path of "/tmp/pgquarrel/bin/pgquarrel" to "/tmp/pgquarrel/lib" -- Installing: /tmp/pgquarrel/lib/
[pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ ./pgquarrel --help pgquarrel shows changes between database schemas. Usage: pgquarrel [OPTION]... Options: -c, --config=FILENAME configuration file -f, --file=FILENAME receive changes into this file, - for stdout (default: stdout) --ignore-version ignore version check -s, --summary print a summary of changes -t, --single-transaction execute as a single transaction --temp-directory=DIR use as temporary file area (default: "/tmp") -v, --verbose verbose mode Object options: --access-method=BOOL access method (default: false) --aggregate=BOOL aggregate (default: false) --cast=BOOL cast (default: false) --collation=BOOL collation (default: false) --comment=BOOL comment (default: false) --conversion=BOOL conversion (default: false) --domain=BOOL domain (default: true) --event-trigger=BOOL event trigger (default: false) --extension=BOOL extension (default: false) --fdw=BOOL foreign data wrapper (default: false) --foreign-table=BOOL foreign table (default: false) --function=BOOL function (default: true) --index=BOOL index (default: true) --language=BOOL language (default: false) --materialized-view=BOOL materialized view (default: true) --operator=BOOL operator (default: false) --owner=BOOL owner (default: false) --policy=BOOL policy (default: false) --publication=BOOL publication (default: false) --privileges=BOOL privileges (default: false) --procedure=BOOL procedure (default: true) --rule=BOOL rule (default: false) --schema=BOOL schema (default: true) --security-labels=BOOL security labels (default: false) --sequence=BOOL sequence (default: true) --statistics=BOOL statistics (default: false) --subscription=BOOL subscription (default: false) --table=BOOL table (default: true) --text-search=BOOL text search (default: false) --transform=BOOL transform (default: false) --trigger=BOOL trigger (default: true) --type=BOOL type (default: true) --view=BOOL view (default: true) Filter options: --include-schema=PATTERN include schemas that match PATTERN (default: all schemas) --exclude-schema=PATTERN exclude schemas that match PATTERN (default: none) Source options: --source-dbname=DBNAME database name or connection string --source-host=HOSTNAME server host or socket directory --source-port=PORT server port --source-username=NAME user name --source-no-password never prompt for password Target options: --target-dbname=DBNAME database name or connection string --target-host=HOSTNAME server host or socket directory --target-port=PORT server port --target-username=NAME user name --target-no-password never prompt for password --help show this help, then exit --version output version information, then exit
[pg10@sandata02 ~]$ psql -d postgres psql (10.14) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------+-------+---------- public | passwd | table | postgres public | test_user | table | postgres (2 rows) postgres=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner --------+---------- public | pg10 repmgr | postgres (2 rows) postgres=# \di List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table --------+----------------------+-------+----------+-------- public | passwd_pkey | index | postgres | passwd public | passwd_user_name_key | index | postgres | passwd (2 rows)
[postgres@t1ysl pgquarrel]$ psql -d postgres psql (11.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | qq | table | postgres (1 row) postgres=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner --------+---------- public | postgres (1 row) postgres=# \di Did not find any relations.
[pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ ./pgquarrel --file=DDL_diff.txt --ignore-version --source-dbname=postgres --source-host= --source-port=5432 --source-username=postgres --target-dbname=postgres --target-host= --target-port=5666 --target-username=postgres
[pg10@sandata02 pgquarrel]$ cat DDL_diff.txt -- -- pgquarrel 0.7.0 -- quarrel between 10.14 and 11.5 -- CREATE TABLE public.qq ( age integer, name character(10) ); DROP SCHEMA repmgr; DROP SEQUENCE public.test_user_id_seq; DROP TABLE public.passwd; DROP TABLE public.test_user; DROP TABLE; DROP TABLE repmgr.monitoring_history; DROP TABLE repmgr.nodes; DROP TABLE repmgr.voting_term; DROP INDEX public.passwd_user_name_key; DROP INDEX repmgr.idx_monitoring_history_time; DROP INDEX repmgr.voting_term_restrict;
> 缺點:pgquarrel不支援所有 Postgresql 物件
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