add hash partition , default tablespace for patitioned table


-- create a hash partition table.

-- And specify a default tablespace for partitioned table.
create table obj_pt
tablespace users -- see follwing comment <1>
partition by (object_id)
(partition p1 tablespace ts_1, partition p1 tablespace ts_2 );

-- add hash partition
alter table obj_pt add partition p3 ;
alter table obj_pt add partition p4 tablespace ts_1;

-- something relation to transport tablespace.
<1> if you did not specify default tablespace for a partition table. Then it's rely on

default tablespace settings of the schema. And then if you want to do a transportable-

tablespace migrate to the default tablespace . The TTS_check will return false.
So ,it's a very important option to specify default tablespace for a partition table.
<2> add a partition for a hash partioned table is very simple .


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
