Peace or partition? Cyprus - Espresso Economist


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Peace or partition? Cyprus

  1. The UN Security Council will discuss a report on the future of Cyprus later today, marking another attempt to revive talks on the island’s reunification.
  2. Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when the Turkish army occupied part of the island following years of clashes between Turkish and Greek Cypriots.
  3. Repeated attempts to end the standoff between the internationally recognized Greek-Cypriot state in the south and the Turkish-speaking north have yielded some goodwill measures, including the opening of several border crossings, but no peace settlement.
  4. A referendum in 2004 to unify the island was backed by Turkish Cypriots but rejected by their Greek-Cypriot neighbours.
  5. Talks between the Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Anastasiades, and the north’s Mustafa Akinci offered the best hope of a breakthrough in a generation before collapsing last year.
  6. The UN’s secretary-general, António Guterres, insists that a negotiated reunion remains possible.
  7. The longer the stalemate, the more likely the opposite: permanent partition.

  • Cyprus 【國】塞普勒斯
  • partition 分割
  • revive 復甦;復興;甦醒
  • reunification 重新統一;再統一
  • standoff 僵局;困局
  • Turkish-speaking 說土耳語的
  • referendum 全民公決;全民投票
  • secretary-general 祕書長
  • negotiate 談判;商定
  • stalemate 僵局


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