Peace or partition? Cyprus - Espresso Economist
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Peace or partition? Cyprus
- The UN Security Council will discuss a report on the future of Cyprus later today, marking another attempt to revive talks on the island’s reunification.
- Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when the Turkish army occupied part of the island following years of clashes between Turkish and Greek Cypriots.
- Repeated attempts to end the standoff between the internationally recognized Greek-Cypriot state in the south and the Turkish-speaking north have yielded some goodwill measures, including the opening of several border crossings, but no peace settlement.
- A referendum in 2004 to unify the island was backed by Turkish Cypriots but rejected by their Greek-Cypriot neighbours.
- Talks between the Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Anastasiades, and the north’s Mustafa Akinci offered the best hope of a breakthrough in a generation before collapsing last year.
- The UN’s secretary-general, António Guterres, insists that a negotiated reunion remains possible.
- The longer the stalemate, the more likely the opposite: permanent partition.
- Cyprus 【國】塞普勒斯
- partition 分割
- revive 復甦;復興;甦醒
- reunification 重新統一;再統一
- standoff 僵局;困局
- Turkish-speaking 說土耳語的
- referendum 全民公決;全民投票
- secretary-general 祕書長
- negotiate 談判;商定
- stalemate 僵局
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