ban COME IN倉庫管理系統
我需要做一個倉庫管理系統(inventory manager)
客戶端是GUI application
(2)GUI----->EJB(business logic layer) JDO(persistence layer)---->DATABASE
(3)GUI(construct a persistence layer myself in GUI layer, and how)------->DATABASE
(4) other suggestion?
(a) if採用entity bean 方式, 當我update gui table 中一個row的時候,
how to map this update in the gui table to the corresponding entity bean
table in GUI(editable table) entity bean
customer_id,customer_name Customer (ejbobject)
then i change the customer_name in the left table in GUI, i want this change to be reflected and executed on the corresponding
ejb, how can i locate the ejb that corresponds to this particular table row in GUI, What's the best way to establish this mapping.
in, Microsoft has databinding mechnasim, is there any conterpart in J2EE.
if (3)
how to establish a persistent layer myself (ie not using any ejb and communicate directly with batabase)
Another question:
If i want to update lots of table rows in a time, and i don't want this update to be excuted immediately, ie cache the change
in the persistent layer.And then after i press a button, say "UPDATE", all the updates will be done to the database. How to
implement such a CACHE mechanism?
客戶端是GUI application
(2)GUI----->EJB(business logic layer) JDO(persistence layer)---->DATABASE
(3)GUI(construct a persistence layer myself in GUI layer, and how)------->DATABASE
(4) other suggestion?
(a) if採用entity bean 方式, 當我update gui table 中一個row的時候,
how to map this update in the gui table to the corresponding entity bean
table in GUI(editable table) entity bean
customer_id,customer_name Customer (ejbobject)
then i change the customer_name in the left table in GUI, i want this change to be reflected and executed on the corresponding
ejb, how can i locate the ejb that corresponds to this particular table row in GUI, What's the best way to establish this mapping.
in, Microsoft has databinding mechnasim, is there any conterpart in J2EE.
if (3)
how to establish a persistent layer myself (ie not using any ejb and communicate directly with batabase)
Another question:
If i want to update lots of table rows in a time, and i don't want this update to be excuted immediately, ie cache the change
in the persistent layer.And then after i press a button, say "UPDATE", all the updates will be done to the database. How to
implement such a CACHE mechanism?
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