解決nginx: [emerg] unknown directive “stream“ in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf問題
[root@k8s-node2 ~]# cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf stream { upstream kube-apiserver { server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; } server { listen 7443; proxy_connect_timeout 2s; proxy_timeout 900s; proxy_pass kube-apiserver; } }
# 安裝nginx源 curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo # 先安裝 yum -y install epel-release #應該是缺少modules模組 yum -y install nginx-all-modules.noarch 然後在用nginx -t就好了 [root@k8s-node2 ~]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
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