Rails7、sqlite3 和 litestream組合Docker配置
rails7、sqlite3 和 litestream 在一起非常棒。我把我所有的迷你 webapps 都換成了它。這是你見過的最簡單的生產設定。這個 docker 檔案是將 Rails 應用程式投入生產所需的全部內容:
# Rails production setup via SQLite3 made durable by https://litestream.io/ # Copy this to Dockerfile on a fresh rails app. Deploy to fly.io or any other container engine. # # try locally: docker build . -t rails && docker run -p3000:3000 -it rails # # in production you might want to map /data to somewhere on the host, # but you don't have to! # FROM ruby:3.0.2 # use https://github.com/benbjohnson/litestream/releases/download/v0.3.7/litestream-v0.3.7-linux-amd64-static.tar.gz on intel ADD https://github.com/benbjohnson/litestream/releases/download/v0.3.7/litestream-v0.3.7-linux-arm64-static.tar.gz /tmp/litestream.tar.gz RUN tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf /tmp/litestream.tar.gz ENV RAILS_ENV 'production' ENV DB_PATH '/data/production.sqlite3' # find a REPLICA_URL host/keys setup for persisting your sqlite3 database ( https://litestream.io/guides/ ) # supports sftp, s3, azure, google cloud storage, backblaze, etc. you probably have an account # already ENV REPLICA_URL 's3://<your-url>/db.sqlite3' ENV LITESTREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID '<your-access-key-id>' ENV LITESTREAM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY '<your-secret-access-key>' # get dependencies WORKDIR /app ADD Gemfile /app/ ADD Gemfile.lock /app/ RUN bundle install # add code (and bundle) ADD . /app RUN bundle exec rake assets:precompile # rails expects production.sqlite3 to be in db/production.sqlite3 RUN ln -nfs $DB_PATH /app/db/production.sqlite3 EXPOSE 3000 CMD \ # if the db file doesn't exist we get it from the REPLICA_URL [ ! -f $DB_PATH ] && litestream restore -v -if-replica-exists -o $DB_PATH "${REPLICA_URL}" \ # then we run the migrations ; bundle exec rake db:migrate \ # then we launch replicate and execute rails server ; litestream replicate -exec "bundle exec rails server -p 3000" $DB_PATH $REPLICA_URL |
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