Flutter for迴圈案例
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
3 class Example extends StatefulWidget {
4 @override
5 _ExampleState createState() => _ExampleState();
6 }
8 class _ExampleState extends State<ExamplePage> {
9 List formList;
10 initState() {
11 super.initState();
12 formList = [
13 {"title": '車牌號'},
14 {"title": '所有人'},
15 {"title": '號牌顏色'},
16 ];
17 }
18 Widget buildGrid() {
19 List<Widget> tiles = [];//先建一個陣列用於存放迴圈生成的widget
20 Widget content; //單獨一個widget元件,用於返回需要生成的內容widget
21 for(var item in formList) {
22 tiles.add(
23 new Row(
24 children: <Widget>[
25 new Text(item['title'])
26 ]
27 )
28 );
29 }
30 content = new Column(
31 children: tiles //重點在這裡,因為用編輯器寫Column生成的children後面會跟一個<Widget>[],
32 //此時如果我們直接把生成的tiles放在<Widget>[]中是會報一個型別不匹配的錯誤,把<Widget>[]刪了就可以了
33 );
34 return content;
35 }
36 Widget ExampleWidget = buildGrid();
37 @override
38 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
39 return Scaffold(
40 key: scaffoldKey,
41 appBar: AppBar(
42 title: Text('迴圈渲染元件案例'),
43 ),
44 body: new Center(
45 child: ExampleWidget
46 )
47 );
48 }
49 }
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