su -s /bin/sh -c “nova-manage api_db sync“ nova報錯
當你遇到su -s /bin/sh -c “nova-manage api_db sync” nova錯誤提示是這個時
- /system/bin/sh: screenrecord: inaccessible or not found 報錯解決方案
- 執行shell指令碼報錯:-bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: ...指令碼
- /bin/sh: 1: pahole: not found
- su - oracle報錯su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailableOracleAI
- Shell指令碼報錯:-bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory指令碼
- shell指令碼頭,#!/bin/sh與#!/bin/bash的區別.指令碼
- sh指令碼執行報錯指令碼
- log-bin自定義路徑報錯
- Sh 打包報錯:errSecInternalComponent 和 CopySwiftLibsSwift
- Openstack Nova Failed to allocate network(s)AI
- 【ERROR】su user報'This account is currently not available'錯誤 for linuxErrorAILinux
- go tool compile 報錯 could not import sync (file not found)GoCompileImport
- hadoop執行./,突然報錯Hadoop
- C語言中sync()C語言
- suse linux 10_su - oracle報ulimit錯誤-cannot modify limit:LinuxOracleMIT
- openEuler 系統 kubeadm 原始碼編譯報錯./hack/ line 34: _output/bin/prerelease-lifecycle-gen: Permission denied原始碼編譯Go
- rebloom k8s 報錯OOMK8S
- Linux的wheel組:LINUX下使用者使用su命令切換使用者報錯su: Permission deniedLinux
- Linux安裝Redis 6.0.5 ./install_server.sh報錯LinuxRedisServer
- 【rac故障】root.sh報錯Unable to get VIP info for new node
- linux--sh -cLinux
- appsTier報錯某些sh執行錯誤處理GCAPP
- -bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
- 71、shell中crontab中執行命令的特殊性,/bin/sh
- 執行yarn報錯-node_modules\pngquant-bin: Command failedYarnAI
- mysql修改二進位制log-bin報錯的問題MySql
- composer安裝完成輸入命令報錯:Fatal error: Class ‘Phar‘ not found in C:\\ProgramData\\ComposerSetup\\bin\\compoError
- 安裝S_S相關報錯的troubleshooting
- linux執行sh報錯:$’\r’: 未找到命令的解決Linux
- 10g rac安裝crs,執行root.sh報錯
- su的時候報:could not open sessionSession
- su - username -c執行多條命令
- Vue啟動報錯 Cannot find module 'webpack/bin/config-yargs'VueWeb
- S2SH+jquery+webspere部署問題jQueryWeb
- iOS開發除錯之報錯:Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1iOS除錯AI
- OEL6.8上安裝11.2.0.2執行root.sh報錯
- K3S新增節點報錯
- 不錯的工具,