openlayser 查詢wfs所有要素
import "ol/ol.css";
import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer } from "ol/layer";
import XYZ from "ol/source/XYZ";
import OlMap from "ol/Map";
import OlView from "ol/View";
import { get as getProjection } from "ol/proj";
import { addCoordinateTransforms, addProjection, transform } from "ol/proj";
import { Control, defaults as defaultControls } from "ol/control";
import GeoJSON from "ol/format/GeoJSON";
import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector";
import { Stroke, Style, Icon, Fill } from "ol/style";
import { bbox as bboxStrategy } from "ol/loadingstrategy";
import { WFS } from "ol/format";
import {
and as andFilter,
equalTo as equalToFilter,
like as likeFilter,
} from "ol/format/filter";
import GreaterThanOrEqualTo from 'ol/format/filter/GreaterThanOrEqualTo';
queryAllFromLayer() {
let that = this;
// generate a GetFeature request
var featureRequest = new WFS().writeGetFeature({
srsName: "EPSG:3857",
featureNS: "",
featurePrefix: "smartGIS",
featureTypes: ["smartGIS:huanrezhan"],
outputFormat: "application/json",
filter: new GreaterThanOrEqualTo('objectid', 0),
// then post the request and add the received features to a layer
fetch("/api/geoserver/smartGIS/ows?service=WFS", {
method: "POST",
body: new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(featureRequest),
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (json) {
var features = new GeoJSON().readFeatures(json);
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