SQL Server在所有表中查詢(在整個庫搜尋內容)
declare @Str nvarchar(max), @tableName varchar(50), @colName varchar(50), @rowCount int select a.name tableName, b.name Colname, 0 as IsFound into #t1 from sysobjects a join syscolumns b on a.id=b.id join systypes c on b.xtype=c.xtype where a.[type]='U' and c.name in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'char', 'nchar') --這裡是設定欄位的型別,以縮小範圍 declare _c1 cursor for select Colname, tableName from #t1 open _c1 fetch next from _c1 into @colName, @tableName while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin --print @Str select @Str='select @rowCount=count(1) from ['+@tableName+'] where ['+@colName+'] like ''%崔健%''' --這裡是要查詢的內容 exec sp_executesql @Str, N'@rowCount int output', @rowCount output if @rowCount>0 update #t1 set IsFound=1 where ColName=@colName and tableName=@tableName fetch next from _c1 into @colName, @tableName end close _c1 deallocate _c1 select * from #t1 where IsFound=1 drop table #t1