
select * from student
select * from student --主幹查詢學生資訊
where sno in 
 select sno from sc --只有成績表中有成績所以從成績表中查詢大於80分的學號再與學生表對應
 where grade > 80
select distinct student.* from student --distinct 去重 因為查詢成績大於80的同學的資訊,但每一同學的成績不止一門但我們只需要一次同學的資訊,所以重複的我們就去重
inner join sc on student.sno = sc.sno
where grade > 80

select * from student
where sno in (
 select sno from sc -- 查詢在課程號和成績的限制下的學號
 where grade > 80 and cno = (
 select cno from course -- 查詢資料庫的課程號
 where cname = '資料庫'

select student.* from student
inner join sc on student.sno = sc.sno
join course on sc.cno = course.cno
where cname = '資料庫' and grade > 80

select sno,count(*) 科目數 from sc
group by sno
having COUNT(*) = 10

select * from student
inner join (select sno from sc group by sno having COUNT(*) = 10) a on student.sno = a.sno --把查詢結果當成新的一張表
