
--1.	查詢選修了107號課程的學生的學號和姓名。
select Sid,sname
from S
where exists(
select * from SC where Sid=S.Sid and Cid='107')
--2.	查詢沒有選修Java語言的學生姓名。
select sname
from S
where  exists(
 select * from C
  where cname='Java語言' and not exists(
select * from SC where Sid=S.Sid and Cid=C.Cid))
--3.	查詢每個學生超過他選修課程平均成績的學號和課程號。
select Sid,Cid
from SC
where SC.score>(
select AVG(score) from SC y where y.Sid=SC.Sid)
--4.	查詢與張爽老師在同一個系工作的老師。
select * from T
where name!='張爽' and exists(
select * from T y where y.name='張爽' and y.department=T.department)
--5.	查詢選修了所有課程的學生編號和姓名
select Sid,sname
from S
where not exists(
  select * from C where not exists(
     select * from SC where SC.Sid=S.Sid and SC.Cid=C.Cid)
--6.	查詢張佳同學沒有選的課程編號
select Cid
from C
where exists(
  select * from S where S.sname='張佳' and not exists(
    select * from SC where SC.Sid=S.Sid and SC.Cid=C.Cid)
--7.	查詢至少有兩位同學都選的課程號
select distinct Cid
from SC
where exists(
  select * from SC y where y.Cid=SC.Cid and y.Sid<>SC.Sid)

create database jxgl
use jxgl
create table T(
Tid nchar(5) primary key,
name nchar(10) not null,
sex nchar(2) default '男',
workingtime	datetime,
plandscape nchar(20),
degree nchar(10),
title nvarchar(6),
department nvarchar(20),
tel	nchar(11)

create table S(
Sid	nchar(10) primary key,
sname nchar(10),	
sex	nchar(2) default '男',
birthday Date,	
age	as datediff(yy,birthday,getdate()),	
entrydate date,	
plandscape nchar(10) default '團員',
nativeplace	nvarchar(20),	
class as substring(Sid,7,2)

create table C(
Cid	nchar(3) primary key,
cname nvarchar(20) Not null,
category nchar(4) Not null check(category in('考試','考查')) default '考試',
credit	int,
Tid	nchar(5) foreign key references T(Tid) on update cascade

create table SC(
Sid	nchar(10) foreign key references S(Sid) on update cascade on delete cascade,
Cid	nchar(3),
score int check(score between 0 and 100),
primary key(Sid,Cid),
foreign key(Cid) references C(Cid) on update cascade on delete cascade

INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95011', N'趙西明       ', N'男 ', CAST(0x0000768300000000 AS DateTime), N'群眾                  ', N'碩士        ', N'副教授', N'軟體', N'13733152369')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95012', N'李小平       ', N'男 ', CAST(0x0000775E00000000 AS DateTime), N'黨員                  ', N'碩士        ', N'教授', N'計算機系', N'13733152370')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95013', N'張爽        ', N'男 ', CAST(0x00007BC700000000 AS DateTime), N'群眾                  ', N'本科        ', N'副教授', N'計算機系', N'13733152371')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95014', N'李麗寧       ', N'女 ', CAST(0x00007BC700000000 AS DateTime), N'黨員                  ', N'碩士        ', N'副教授', N'計算機系', N'13733152372')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95015', N'張金明       ', N'男 ', CAST(0x0000812C00000000 AS DateTime), N'群眾                  ', N'碩士        ', N'講師', N'計算機系', N'13733152373')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95016', N'李燕        ', N'女 ', CAST(0x000082C800000000 AS DateTime), N'黨員                  ', N'碩士        ', N'講師', N'計算機系', N'13733152374')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95017', N'宛平        ', N'女 ', CAST(0x0000840B00000000 AS DateTime), N'群眾                  ', N'博士        ', N'副教授', N'軟體', N'13733152375')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95018', N'陳江川       ', N'男 ', CAST(0x0000883900000000 AS DateTime), N'群眾                  ', N'博士        ', N'講師', N'軟體', N'13733152376')
INSERT [dbo].[T] ([Tid], [name], [sex], [workingtime], [plandscape], [degree], [title], [department], [tel]) VALUES (N'95019', N'郭新        ', N'男 ', CAST(0x00008CAA00000000 AS DateTime), N'黨員                  ', N'博士        ', N'講師', N'軟體', N'13733152377')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071101', N'張佳        ', N'女 ', CAST(0x3F1D0B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3C3D0B00 AS Date), N'團員        ', N'江西南昌')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'好生        ', N'男 ', CAST(0xCD1E0B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3C3D0B00 AS Date), N'團員        ', N'廣州順德')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'徐克        ', N'男 ', CAST(0xBF210B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3C3D0B00 AS Date), N'團員        ', N'江西南昌')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'葉飛        ', N'女 ', CAST(0xD1210B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3C3D0B00 AS Date), N'黨員        ', N'上海')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071205', N'任偉        ', N'男 ', CAST(0x7B220B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3C3D0B00 AS Date), N'團員        ', N'北京順義')
INSERT [dbo].[S] ([Sid], [sname], [sex], [birthday], [entrydate], [plandscape], [nativeplace]) VALUES (N'2017071206', N'江賀        ', N'男 ', CAST(0x02200B00 AS Date), CAST(0x3D3D0B00 AS Date), N'黨員        ', N'福建廈門')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'101', N'計算機基礎', N'考試  ', 2, N'95011')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'102', N'C語言', N'考試  ', 3, N'95012')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'103', N'計算機組成原理', N'考試  ', 3, N'95012')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'104', N'組合語言', N'考試  ', 3, N'95014')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'105', N'Java語言', N'考查  ', 2, N'95015')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'106', N'作業系統', N'考試  ', 3, N'95016')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'107', N'資料結構', N'考試  ', 3, N'95017')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'108', N'編譯原理', N'考試  ', 3, N'95017')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'109', N'網路基礎', N'考試  ', 3, N'95017')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'110', N'資料庫原理', N'考試  ', 3, N'95017')
INSERT [dbo].[C] ([Cid], [cname], [category], [credit], [Tid]) VALUES (N'120', N'SQLServer', N'考查  ', 2, N'95018')
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071101', N'101', 90)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071101', N'102', 70)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071101', N'103', 48)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071101', N'105', 80)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'102', 90)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'104', 77)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'106', 68)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'107', 85)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'109', 77)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'110', 65)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071102', N'120', 48)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'102', 65)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'104', 82)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'105', 79)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'107', 55)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'110', 77)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071203', N'120', 67)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'101', 86)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'102', 86)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'104', 77)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'105', 84)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'106', 95)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'108', 91)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071204', N'110', 82)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071205', N'101', 63)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071205', N'102', 84)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071205', N'103', 77)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071206', N'107', 58)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071206', N'108', 74)
INSERT [dbo].[SC] ([Sid], [Cid], [score]) VALUES (N'2017071206', N'109', 74)
