SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉


My series of Cloud Application Studio Blogs


Create a new OBN button in the toolbar of a standard UI, for example the item table of Service Request TI.

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Once this button is clicked, a new custom QC view will be displayed. In this new QC view, the original Service Request ID will be passed during navigation and displayed. See below example, I press the button in TI page of Service Request 3629, and this ID is also displayed in my custom QC page.

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Here below are detail steps:

(1) Create a new Port Type Package with below parameter:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

(2) Create a new custom QC page view:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Create a new unbound data field “TicketHeaderNodeID” to hold the Service Request node ID passed from Standard Service Request TI.

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Create a new event handler to read the Service Request BO instance data by using “TicketHeaderNodeID” as parameter:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Create a new OBN inport by following the settings below:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Assign the created event handler to the “OnFire” property of this inport:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

(3) In Service Request TI, create a new OBN button in extensibility explorer:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Since in previous step I have already assigned a custom operation “JerryOBN” to BO Service Request, so now it is available to use from drop down list of “Select Operation”:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Bind the nodeid attribute to /Root/UUID, so in the runtime, the current Service Request node ID will be passed to my custom QC view with the help of Port Type Package created in first step.

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

Apply the OBN setting and now you can see the generated change transaction where OBN button is ready to use.

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

(4) Create a new Work center and a new work center view, assign the QC to that new work center view:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

And assign the work center view to test user:

SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

After that the OBN navigation from Service Request TI to custom QC view works as expected.


SAP Cloud for Customer如何實現從標準UI到自開發UI的跳轉

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