




  pinctrl子系統的作用是pin config(引腳配置)pin mux(引腳複用),而如果pin腳被複用為了GPIO(注意:GPIO功能只是pin腳功能的一種),就需要再借助GPIO子系統對pin腳進行控制了,GPIO子系統提供了一系列關於GPIO的API函式,供我們呼叫。本章,我們會使用pinctrl子系統和GPIO子系統來完成對GPIO的操作。



Eg: <&gpx2 6 0>
<[phandle of the gpio controller node]
[pin number within the gpio controller]

Values for gpio specifier:
- Pin number: is a value between 0 to 7.
- Flags: 0 - Active High 1 - Active Low

  這段內容舉例瞭如何使能某個GPIO。以<&gpx2 6 0>為例,第一個引數&gpx2是對應的gpio controller節點,第二個引數6是gpio controller的pin腳編號,第三個引數0是標誌位(0表示高電平有效,1表示低電平有效)。

- Pin mux/config groups as child nodes: The pin mux (selecting pin function mode) and pin config (pull up/down, driver strength) settings are represented as child nodes of the pin-controller node. There should be atleast one child node and there is no limit on the count of these child nodes. It is also possible for a child node to consist of several further child nodes to allow grouping multiple pinctrl groups into one. The format of second level child nodes is exactly the same as for first level ones and is described below.

The child node should contain a list of pin(s) on which a particular pin function selection or pin configuration (or both) have to applied. This list of pins is specified using the property name "samsung,pins". There should be atleast one pin specfied for this property and there is no upper limit on the count of pins that can be specified. The pins are specified using pin names which are derived from the hardware manual of the SoC. As an example, the pins in GPA0 bank of the pin controller can be represented as "gpa0-0", "gpa0-1", "gpa0-2" and so on. The names should be in lower case. The format of the pin names should be (as per the hardware manual) "[pin bank name]-[pin number within the bank]".

The pin function selection that should be applied on the pins listed in the child node is specified using the "samsung,pin-function" property. The value of this property that should be applied to each of the pins listed in the "samsung,pins" property should be picked from the hardware manual of the SoC for the specified pin group. This property is optional in the child node if no specific function selection is desired for the pins listed in the child node. The value of this property is used as-is to program the pin-controller function selector register of the pin-bank.

The child node can also optionally specify one or more of the pin configuration that should be applied on all the pins listed in the "samsung,pins" property of the child node. The following pin configuration properties are supported.

- samsung,pin-val: Initial value of pin output buffer.
- samsung,pin-pud: Pull up/down configuration.
- samsung,pin-drv: Drive strength configuration.
- samsung,pin-pud-pdn: Pull up/down configuration in power down mode.
- samsung,pin-drv-pdn: Drive strength configuration in power down mode.


  1. 引用pin腳的屬性名為samsung,pins,它的值寫法是[pin bank name]-[pin number within the bank],如samsung.pins = gpa0-1;
  2. pin腳功能複用屬性的屬性名為samsung,pin-function,它的值的寫法可以在dt-bindings/pinctrl/samsung.h檔案中找到,如samsung,pin-function = EXYNOS_PIN_FUNC_OUTPUT;
  3. pin腳的配置屬性比較多,這裡只選兩個本章用得到的是pin腳的預設輸出值(高電平還是低電平),如 = <1>;,而是設定上拉或者下拉,如 = <EXYNOS_PIN_PULL_UP>;



  (1) 開啟pinctrl相關的裝置樹標頭檔案kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-pinctrl.dtsi,可以看到gpkgplpinctrl_1的子節點,見下方程式碼。

pinctrl_1: pinctrl@11000000 {
    gpk1: gpk1 {
          #gpio-cells = <2>;

          #interrupt-cells = <2>;
    gpl2: gpl2 {
          #gpio-cells = <2>;

          #interrupt-cells = <2>;


pinctrl_1: pinctrl@11000000 {
    gpk1: gpk1 {
          #gpio-cells = <2>;

          #interrupt-cells = <2>;
    gpl2: gpl2 {
          #gpio-cells = <2>;

          #interrupt-cells = <2>;
    pinctrl_shanwuyan_leds: gpio_leds {
          samsung,pins = "gpl2-0","gpk1-1" ;	//LED的pin腳為gpl2-0和gpk1-1
          samsung,pin-function = <EXYNOS_PIN_FUNC_OUTPUT>;	//設定為輸出
          samsung,pin-val = <1>;	//預設輸出為低電平
          samsung,pin-pud = <EXYNOS_PIN_PULL_UP>;	//設定為上拉

  (2) 然後開啟裝置樹檔案kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-itop-elite.dts,在根節點下新增一個自定義節點shanwuyan_leds。另外,如果裝置樹檔案中其他的程式碼段也使用了這兩個pin腳,記得將它們註釋掉。本文中,gpk1-1在裝置樹自帶的led燈裝置中被使用了,所以要先註釋掉。如下方程式碼。

/ {
    model = "TOPEET iTop 4412 Elite board based on Exynos4412";
    compatible = "topeet,itop4412-elite", "samsung,exynos4412", "samsung,exynos4";
    chosen {
          bootargs = "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext4 rootdelay=1 rootwait";
          stdout-path = "serial2:115200n8";
    memory {
          reg = <0x40000000 0x40000000>;
    leds {	//這是裝置樹自帶的led裝置節點
          compatible = "gpio-leds";
          led2 {
                label = "red:system";
                gpios = <&gpx1 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
                default-state = "off";
                linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
          led3 {
                label = "red:user";
          //	gpios = <&gpk1 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;	//和我們自己寫的led裝置所用的pin腳產生了衝突,要註釋掉
                default-state = "off";
          compatible = "samsung,shanwuyan_leds";
          pinctrl-names = "default";
          pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_shanwuyan_leds>;
          led-gpios = <&gpl2 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,<&gpk1 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
          status = "okay";

  (3) 使用命令make dtbs編譯裝置樹檔案。


  重啟開發板,在命令列輸入ls /proc/device-tree/shanwuyan_leds/,可以檢視到我們新新增的節點及其屬性。


  (1) 首先新增四個新的標頭檔案,然後把驅動名稱修改一下,再新增三個巨集定義。如下方程式碼。

/* 原始碼檔名為"shanwuyan.c"*/
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/device.h>

#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/io.h>

#define SHANWUYAN_NAME "shanwuyan_leds"	//修改驅動名稱
#define LEDS_NUM 2	//LED燈的個數為2
#define LEDS_ON	1	//LED燈的開啟狀態
#define LEDS_OFF 0	//lED燈的關閉狀態

  (2) 向結構體shanwuyan_dev中新增兩個新的成員變數,如下方程式碼。

struct shanwuyan_dev
    struct cdev c_dev;		//字元裝置
    dev_t dev_id;			//裝置號
    struct class *class;	//類
    struct device *device;	//裝置
    int major;				//主裝置號
    int minor;				//次裝置號
    struct device_node *node;	//用於獲取裝置樹節點
    int led_gpios[2];	//用於獲取兩個led的GPIO編號

  (3) 我們需要新增一個新的函式leds_init,用以初始化兩個LED佔用的GPIO。在該函式中,我們使用GPIO子系統提供的API函式,對pin腳進行操作。在新增之前,我們要先介紹幾個函式。

static inline struct device_node *of_find_node_by_path(const char *path);	
static inline int of_get_named_gpio(struct device_node *np, const char *propname, int index);
static inline int gpio_request(unsigned gpio, const char *label);
static inline void gpio_free(unsigned gpio);
static inline int gpio_direction_input(unsigned gpio);
static inline int gpio_direction_output(unsigned gpio, int value);
static inline void gpio_set_value(unsigned int gpio, int value);


static int leds_init(struct shanwuyan_dev *leds_dev)//初始化led的GPIO
    int ret = 0;
    int i = 0;
    char led_labels[][20] = {"led_gpio_0", "led_gpio_1"};	//定義兩個裝置標籤
    leds_dev->node = of_find_node_by_path("/shanwuyan_leds");
    if(leds_dev->node == NULL)
          ret = -EINVAL;
          printk("cannot find node /shanwuyan_leds\r\n");
          goto fail_find_node;
    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
          leds_dev->led_gpios[i] = of_get_named_gpio(leds_dev->node, "led-gpios", i);	
          if(leds_dev->led_gpios[i] < 0)	//如果獲取失敗
                printk("cannot get led_gpio_%d\r\n", i);
                ret = -EINVAL;
                goto fail_get_gpio;
    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)	//列印出獲取的gpio編號
          printk("led_gpio_%d = %d\r\n", i, leds_dev->led_gpios[i]);

    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
          ret = gpio_request(leds_dev->led_gpios[i], led_labels[i]);
          if(ret)	//如果申請失敗
                printk("cannot request the led_gpio_%d\r\n", i);
                ret = -EINVAL;
                if(i == 1)
                      goto fail_request_gpio_1;
                      goto fail_request_gpio_0;

    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
          ret = gpio_direction_output(leds_dev->led_gpios[i], 1);
          if(ret)	//如果是指失敗
                printk("failed to set led_gpio_%d\r\n", i);
                ret = -EINVAL;
                goto fail_set_output;
    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
          gpio_set_value(leds_dev->led_gpios[i], 1);

    return 0;

    gpio_free(leds_dev->led_gpios[1]);	//釋放掉led_gpio_1
	return ret;

static int __init shanwuyan_init(void)	//驅動入口函式
    int ret = 0;




    return 0;

static void __exit shanwuyan_exit(void)	//驅動出口函式
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)

  (4) 然後一下open函式,因為該函式有一個引數我們一直沒有使用,現在我們使用它,close函式無需改造。如下方程式碼。

static int shanwuyan_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
    printk(KERN_EMERG "shanwuyan_open\r\n");
    filp->private_data = &shanwuyan;	//在裝置操作集中,我們儘量使用私有資料來操作物件
    return 0;

  (5) 最後改造write函式(使用者程式控制GPIO,只需要用到write函式,用不到read函式,所以不用改造read函式)。如下方程式碼。

static ssize_t shanwuyan_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
    int i = 0;
    int ret = 0;
    char user_data;	//儲存使用者資料
    struct shanwuyan_dev *led_dev = filp->private_data;	//獲取私有變數
    ret = copy_from_user(&user_data, buf, count);	//獲取使用者資料
    if(ret < 0)
          return -EINVAL;

    if(user_data == LEDS_ON)	//如果接到的命令是開啟LED
          for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
                gpio_set_value(led_dev->led_gpios[i], LEDS_ON);
    else if(user_data == LEDS_OFF)	//如果接到的命令是關閉LED
          for(i = 0; i < LEDS_NUM; i++)
                gpio_set_value(led_dev->led_gpios[i], LEDS_OFF);

    return 0;



//原始碼名稱為 "shanwuyanAPP.c"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

*./shanwuyanAPP <filename> <0:1> 0表示LED滅,1表示LED亮
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret = 0;
    int fd = 0;
    char *filename;

    char user_data;
    user_data = atoi(argv[2]);

    if(argc != 3)
          printf("Error usage!\r\n");
          return -1;
    filename = argv[1];	//獲取裝置名稱

    fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
    if(fd < 0)
          printf("cannot open device %s\r\n", filename);
          return -1;

    ret = write(fd, &user_data, sizeof(char));
    if(ret < 0)
          printf("write error!\r\n");

    ret = close(fd);
    if(ret < 0)
          printf("close device %s failed\r\n", filename);

    return 0;




  在終端輸入命令./shanwuyanAPP /dev/shanwuyan_leds 0,可以看到兩個LED燈滅掉。

  再在終端輸入命令./shanwuyanAPP /dev/shanwuyan_leds 0,可以看到兩個LED燈又亮起來。

