layui tree 對節點進行搜尋
html 程式碼
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/layui/v2.3.0/src/css/layui.css">
.search_hint_text {
color: red;
<body style="padding: 10px;">
<fieldset class="layui-elem-field layui-field-title" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<div class="layui-inline">
<input class="layui-input layui-input-inline" name="searchTree">
<div style="display: inline-block; width: 240px; height: 480px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddd; overflow: auto;"
<ul id="demo1"></ul>
<script src="js/layui/v2.3.0/src/layui.js"></script>
layui.use(['tree', 'layer'], function () {
var layer = layui.layer
, $ = layui.jquery
, tree = layui.tree;
// 同步(繫結)layui的tree的搜尋(過濾)框
// treeId: tree所在的容器的id
// filter: 對應的搜尋框的selector或者dom物件,儘量要確保是唯一的節點,或者真的是要控制這個樹的input
// callback: 回撥 引數(樹節點jquery物件, 輸入框物件, 匹配到的節點數量)
tree.syncLayuiTreeFilter = function (treeId, filter, callback) {
var treeElem = $('#' + treeId), filterElem = $(filter);
if (!filterElem.length || !filterElem.length) {
filterElem.unbind('change').change(function (event) {
var that = this;
var value = $(that).val().trim();
var HIDE = 'layui-hide';
var hintClass = 'search_hit';
// 先恢復現場
treeElem.find('.' + HIDE).removeClass(HIDE);
treeElem.find('.' + hintClass).removeClass(hintClass).each(function (index, item) {
item = $(item);
item.html('textOld')).data('textOld', null);
// 如果有值篩選開始
if (value) {
layui.each(treeElem.find('cite'), function (index, elem) {
elem = $(elem);
var textTemp = elem.text();
if (textTemp.indexOf(value) === -1) {
// 不存在就隱藏
} else {
// 命中就新增一個class
.data('textOld', textTemp)
.html(textTemp.replace(new RegExp(value, 'g'), '<span class="search_hint_text">' + value + '</span>'));
layui.each(treeElem.find('.' + hintClass), function (index, elem) {
elem = $(elem);
elem.parents('ul').each(function (i, item) {
if (!$(item).hasClass('layui-show')) {
typeof callback === 'function' &&, treeElem, filterElem, treeElem.find('.' + hintClass).length);
elem: '#demo1' //指定元素
, target: '_blank' //是否新選項卡開啟(比如節點返回href才有效)
, nodes: [ //節點
name: '常用資料夾'
, id: 1
, alias: 'changyong'
, children: [
name: '所有未讀(設定跳轉)'
, id: 11
, href: ''
, alias: 'weidu'
}, {
name: '置頂郵件'
, id: 12
}, {
name: '郵件標籤郵件'
, id: 13
}, {
name: '我的郵箱'
, id: 2
, spread: true
, children: [
name: 'QQ郵箱'
, id: 21
, spread: true
, children: [
name: '收件箱'
, id: 211
, children: [
name: '所有未讀'
, id: 2111
}, {
name: '置頂郵件'
, id: 2112
}, {
name: '標籤郵件'
, id: 2113
}, {
name: '已發出的郵件'
, id: 212
}, {
name: '垃圾郵件'
, id: 213
}, {
name: '阿里雲郵'
, id: 22
, children: [
name: '收件箱'
, id: 221
}, {
name: '已發出的郵件'
, id: 222
}, {
name: '垃圾郵件'
, id: 223
, {
name: '收藏夾'
, id: 3
, alias: 'changyong'
, children: [
name: '愛情動作片'
, id: 31
, alias: 'love'
}, {
name: '技術棧'
, id: 12
, children: [
name: '前端'
, id: 121
, {
name: '全端'
, id: 122
tree.syncLayuiTreeFilter('demo1', '[name="searchTree"]', function (treeElem, filterElem, hitNumbers) {
console.log('hitNumbers', hitNumbers);
layer.msg('找到' + hitNumbers + '個節點');
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