如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳


Suppose we have the following product with 5 attachments:

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

First we get its guid 00163EA71FFC1ED1A5BB4940F3F30AA7 from table COMM_PRODUCT:

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

And then call CL_CRM_DOCUMENTS=>GET_INFO with the following input:

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

We get five logical object instances, which works as we expected.

The number of physical object instances is greater than the one of logical objects, which means one or more attachments have multiple versions.

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

Looking into the internal table PHIOLOIOS, we can know that the logical object 00163EA720041EE39FCB974DB07F092D has totally three versions.

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

and by looking into the exporting parameter IOS_PROPERTIES_RESULT, we can know its name by checking the respective PROPERTIES:

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳 如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

We can double check this in UI:

如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳


如何讓你的SAP CRM應用支援附件上傳

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2712057/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
