SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位


User story

In CRM WebUI, the sales area of a given opportunity consists of the following fields in assignment block “Organizational Data”. Note the “Sales Office” and “Sales Group” marked with red:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

However in Fiori these two fields are not available.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

The series of this blog will introduce how to bring these two standard fields into Fiori and provide CRUD operations on them.

As the first step, we need to expose the read operation of these two fields via odata service, which means when we test the odata service read operation, we expect to see both in response stream. Below is the screenshot of response before extension – both fields are missing there.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

(1) When the data for Sales area tab in Fiori is read from backend, we make investigation and find out the data for both fields are already returned by one order API and available in the context of standard odata service implementation.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位 SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

Since there is a MOVE-CORRESPONDING fields to move the opportunity data from one order API result to result structure of odata service, for the read operation, we just need to create two new fields in the structure of ls_entityset with exactly the same name, SALES_OFFICE and SALES_GROUP, then the MOVE-CORRESPONDING will take effect.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

(2) The DDIC structure of Opportunity header is enhanced as below:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

Add these two fields in service builder as well, re-generate runtime objects and clear model cache in both gateway and backend system to ensure the new fields could be visible in the runtime.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

(3) retest the odata service read operation, the sales office and sales group are now available in the read response.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位


In previous  blog, the two fields Sales Office and Sales Group have already been exposed via OData service read operation. In this part I will make the two fields visible in Fiori UI. The final UI would look like below:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

Step1: find the available extension point in UI to hold the two fields

There is existing extension point in opportunity detail view:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

As the first step, our aim is just to display the two fields in Fiori UI without considering format requirement. So we just directly bind the two fields to SalesOfficeCode and SalesGroupCode exposed by blog part1.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

This step is quite easy to do. The UI after this step looks like below. We can notice that for the other three standard fields, always the format + ( +  + ) is displayed in UI.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

The format is defined in xml view as below:

<Text id="salesorganization_Text"
            text="{parts: [{path :'json&gt;/SalesOrganizationDescription'},{path : 'json&gt;/SalesOrganization'}],                     formatter : 'cus.crm.opportunity.util.Formatter.formatSalesOrganization'}"></Text>

and the simple format function:

formatSalesOrganization : function(SalesOrganizationDescription, SalesOrganizationId){
        var SalesOrganization = "";
        if(SalesOrganizationId != undefined && SalesOrganizationId != "")
         SalesOrganization = SalesOrganizationDescription + " (" + SalesOrganizationId + ")";
        return SalesOrganization;

In next step, we will enable the same format function for the two new fields.

Step2: create another two new fields SalesGroupText and SalesOfficeText to hold the description

The steps are also exactly the same as how we create the two fields SalesGroupCode and SalesOfficeCode in blog1: add the fields in DDIC structure and related Odata Model node:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位 SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

After we have these two fields to store description, we can write the logic to get description by code. All READ-related methods need to be enhanced with this logic. a. redefine method OPPORTUNITIES_GET_ENTITYSET and paste the following source code:

METHOD opportunities_get_entityset.
    DATA: lv_otype     TYPE otype.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <opportunity> LIKE LINE OF et_entityset.
    CALL METHOD super->opportunities_get_entityset
        iv_entity_name           = iv_entity_name
        iv_entity_set_name       = iv_entity_set_name
        iv_source_name           = iv_source_name
        it_filter_select_options = it_filter_select_options
        is_paging                = is_paging
        it_key_tab               = it_key_tab
        it_navigation_path       = it_navigation_path
        it_order                 = it_order
        iv_filter_string         = iv_filter_string
        iv_search_string         = iv_search_string
        et_entityset             = et_entityset.* Note: the single read below is not efficient from performance point of view.* In production code you can use cl_crm_orgman_interface=>READ_TEXT_MULTI to improve performance
    LOOP AT et_entityset ASSIGNING <opportunity>.
      IF <opportunity>-sales_group IS NOT INITIAL.
        lv_otype = <opportunity>-sales_group+0(1).
        CALL METHOD cl_crm_orgman_interface=>read_text_single
            otype        = lv_otype
            objid        = <opportunity>-sales_group+2(8)
            display_text = <opportunity>-sales_group_txt.
      IF <opportunity>-sales_office IS NOT INITIAL.
        lv_otype = <opportunity>-sales_office+0(1).
        CALL METHOD cl_crm_orgman_interface=>read_text_single
            otype        = lv_otype
            objid        = <opportunity>-sales_office+2(8)
            display_text = <opportunity>-sales_office_txt.

b. create a new private method FILL_SALES_TEXT with the following signature:

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

source code:

METHOD fill_sales_text.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <opp_header>      TYPE cl_crm_opportunity_mpc=>ts_opportunity,
                   <opp_expand>      TYPE crmt_odata_oppt_hdr_expanded,
                   <opp>             TYPE any,
                   <salegroup_text>  TYPE crmt_odata_oppt_header-sales_group_txt,
                   <saleoffice_text> TYPE crmt_odata_oppt_header-sales_office_txt,
                   <salegroup_code>  TYPE crmt_odata_oppt_header-sales_group,
                   <saleoffice_code> TYPE crmt_odata_oppt_header-sales_office.
    DATA: lv_otype     TYPE otype.
    IF iv_called_by_expand = abap_false.
      ASSIGN cr_entity->* TO <opp_header>.
      ASSIGN <opp_header> TO <opp>.
      ASSIGN cr_entity->* TO <opp_expand>.
      ASSIGN <opp_expand> TO <opp>.
    IF <salegroup_code> IS NOT INITIAL.
      lv_otype = <salegroup_code>+0(1).
      CALL METHOD cl_crm_orgman_interface=>read_text_single
          otype        = lv_otype
          objid        = <salegroup_code>+2(8)
          display_text = <salegroup_text>.
    IF <saleoffice_code> IS NOT INITIAL.
      lv_otype = <saleoffice_code>+0(1).
      CALL METHOD cl_crm_orgman_interface=>read_text_single
          otype        = lv_otype
          objid        = <saleoffice_code>+2(8)
          display_text = <saleoffice_text>.


METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity.
    CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity
        iv_entity_name          = iv_entity_name
        iv_entity_set_name      = iv_entity_set_name
        iv_source_name          = iv_source_name
        it_key_tab              = it_key_tab
        it_navigation_path      = it_navigation_path
        io_tech_request_context = io_tech_request_context
        er_entity               = er_entity
        es_response_context     = es_response_context.
    CASE iv_entity_name.
      WHEN 'Opportunity'.
        CALL METHOD fill_sales_text
            iv_called_by_expand = abap_false
            cr_entity           = er_entity.

in DPC_EXT’s method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_EXPANDED_ENTITY, call the method as well:

METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entity.
    CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entity
        iv_entity_name           = iv_entity_name
        iv_entity_set_name       = iv_entity_set_name
        iv_source_name           = iv_source_name
        it_key_tab               = it_key_tab
        it_navigation_path       = it_navigation_path
        io_expand                = io_expand
        io_tech_request_context  = io_tech_request_context
        er_entity                = er_entity
        es_response_context      = es_response_context
        et_expanded_clauses      = et_expanded_clauses
        et_expanded_tech_clauses = et_expanded_tech_clauses.
    CASE iv_entity_name.
      WHEN 'Opportunity'.
        CALL METHOD fill_sales_text
            iv_called_by_expand = abap_true
            cr_entity           = er_entity.

Once this step is done, you could test your enhanced Odata service read operation and ensure you could see both code and description of SalesGroup and SalesOffice in response.

SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

Step3: change the binding of extension fields

Just change the binding path from code to the converted value formatted by the formatter.

<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:ui="sap.ui.layout">
   <ui:form.SimpleForm id="salesAreaInfoTabContentBottomExtension">
         <Label id="SalesOfficeLabel" text="Sales Office">
         <Text id="SalesOffice" text="{parts: [{path :'json>/SalesOfficeText'},{path : 'json>/SalesOfficeCode'}],                 formatter : 'cus.crm.opportunity.CRM_OPPRTNTYExtension.UtilExtension.Util.formatSalesOffice'}"></Text>
         <Label id="SalesGroupLabel" text="Sales Group">
         <Text id="SalesGroup" text="{parts: [{path :'json>/SalesGroupText'},{path : 'json>/SalesGroupCode'}],                 formatter : 'cus.crm.opportunity.CRM_OPPRTNTYExtension.UtilExtension.Util.formatSalesOffice'}"></Text>

The complete UI code could be found in github: with commit id: 7489bd487cc40fff1a9dd3b9d3683036961a1061 The complete backend source code could be found from attachment.


SAP CRM Fiori應用如何啟用Sales Office和Sales Group兩個欄位

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