使用Fiori Elements建立的SAP UI5應用,如何支援編輯功能
In previous blog Create a CRM Service Order Fiori application within a couple of minutes I introduced the approach to generate a Fiori application which supports search and display on Service Order within just a few minutes. In this blog, I will use one field in Service Order header level to demonstrate how to enable Service order change and save function.
After finished, the Fiori application has the following feature: When you click edit button:
The fields in UI will become editable:
Change the posting date via Date picker controller and click save button, the change is successfully saved to backend:
Implementation detail
(1) Most of CDS entities described in previous blog remain unchanged, only a small adaptation is needed, as highlighted below:
The reason is, since we need to support update scenario, we have to explicitly tell framework about this fact via annotation “transactionalProcessingDelegated“. Meanwhile, the automatically generated service provider class by annotation @OData.publish: true could not fulfill the update scenario – we have to create a new SEGW project via tcode SEGW manually, so we have to mark this flag as false to suppress the service automatically generation. Finish the change and re-activate the consumption view.
(2) tcode SEGW, create a new SEGW project and choose Reference->Data Source from context menu, load the CDS view you change in previous step.
Once done, you should have the following hierarchy displayed. Generate Runtime Objects by clicking the button in toolbar.
(3) Redefine three methods of automatically generated data provider class:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2722158/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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