SAP APO 常用Table
SAP APO常用的Tables
Table Name | Details |
T009B | Time stream |
/SAPAPO/APPLOCS | Location Types in APO |
/SAPAPO/LOC | Location Details in APO |
/SAPAPO/LOCMAP | Mapping Table for Location between APO and R/3 |
/SAPAPO/PLANNER | Planner Codes in APO |
/SAPAPO/MATKEY | Product Master details in APO - equivalent to MARA table in R/3 |
/SAPAPO/MATLOC | Location Product Master details in APO (use /SAPAPO/V_MATLOC) - equivalent to MARC table in R/3 |
/SAPAPO/V_MATLOC | Location Product Master VIEW MATLOC |
/SAPAPO/MATLOTSZ | Lot Size related details in APO |
/SAPAPO/TRPROD | Source of Supply - contains both PDS and Transportation Lane reference |
/SAPAPO/RES_HEAD | Resource Header details in APO |
/SAPAPO/RES_UNIT | Resource related details in APO |
/SAPAPO/TR | Transportation Lane |
/SAPAPO/TRM | Means of Transport for Transportation Lane |
/SAPAPO/TRPMOD | Assignment of Source of Supply to Model |
/SAPAPO/CULLHDR | Determine Key for Cluster Table |
/SAPAPO/CURTOWUL | CURTO: Usage of Components |
/SAPAPO/CURTOPPE | Additional Header Data for PP/DS Production Data Structures |
/SAPAPO/CURTOSNP | Additional Header Data for SNP Production Data Structures |
/SAPAPO/TS_SEL* | Tables related to selection profile variants |
BAL* | Tables related to Application Log details |
/SAPAPO/PCMH | Production Campaign, Header |
/SAPAPO/PCM_CP | Production Campaign: Changes to Orders as to Campaigns |
/SAPAPO/SDPTSTR | Stor.Buck.Prof. |
/SAPAPO/RES_HEAD | Resource |
/SAPAPO/TRQTAH | Quota arrangement Header |
/SAPAPO/TRQTAP | Quota Arrangement Item |
/SAPAPO/V_SNP011 | Deployment profile |
/SAPAPO/TS_SEL | Selection profile |
/SAPAPO/TS_SELKO | Selection profile |
/SAPAPO/TS_SELPO | Selection profile |
/SAPAPO/TSPLB | Background Job for Planning Area |
/SAPAPO/TSPLBAKT | Background Planning Activities |
/sapapo/posmapn | (mapping the item) |
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