使用SAP API portal進行SAP SuccessFactors的API測試
登入api.sap.com, 根據關鍵字SuccessFactors找到對應的API目錄:
選擇User Management:
點選Try Out, 就可以像使用postman一樣,使用這個API控制檯自帶的測試功能了:
$filter string裡可以測試這個OData API的filter操作:
從測試結果可以發現,firstName為Sami的user,在這個sandbox系統裡的user ID為50004:
點選Show API Key,拿到一個API key,這樣就能在該API控制檯以外的地方呼叫API.
點選Code Snipet,可以把自動生成的API呼叫程式碼複製下來,直接貼上到應用裡使用。
> curl --request GET --url " https:// sandbox.api.sap.com/suc cessfactors/odata/v2/User " --header "APIKey: e9ZLBOfexchhHN" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Content-Type: application/json"
> curl --request GET --url " https:// sandbox.api.sap.com/suc cessfactors/odata/v2/User " --header "APIKey: e9ZLBOkMUexchhHN" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Content-Type: application/json"
#API endpoint for API sandbox
#Optional query parameters: "$top" , "$skip"
#To view the complete list of query parameters, see its API definition.
#Available API Endpoints
# https:// api2.successfactors.eu/ odata/v2
# https:// apisalesdemo2.successfactors.eu /odata/v2
# https:// api2preview.sapsf.eu/od ata/v2
# https:// api4.successfactors.com /odata/v2
# https:// apisalesdemo4.successfactors.com /odata/v2
# https:// api4preview.sapsf.com/o data/v2
# https:// api5.successfactors.eu/ odata/v2
# https:// api8.successfactors.com /odata/v2
# https:// apisalesdemo8.successfactors.com /odata/v2
# https:// api8preview.sapsf.com/o data/v2
# https:// api10.successfactors.com /odata/v2
# https:// api10preview.sapsf.com/ odata/v2
# https:// api012.successfactors.eu /odata/v2
# https:// apirot.successfactors.eu /odata/v2
# https:// api12preview.sapsf.eu/o data/v2
# https:// api15.sapsf.cn/odata/v2
# https:// api16.sapsf.eu/odata/v2
# https:// api17preview.sapsf.com/ odata/v2
# https:// api17.sapsf.com/odata/v 2
# https:// api18preview.sapsf.com/ odata/v2
# https:// api18.sapsf.com/odata/v 2
curl --request GET --url " https:// sandbox.api.sap.com/suc cessfactors/odata/v2/
User,UserPermissions/User?%24top-5&%24select=firstName%2ClastName" --header 'APIKey: e9ZLBOXsAfkMUexchhHN' --header 'Accept: application/ison' --header "Content-Type: application/ison"
curl --request GET --url " https:// sandbox.api.sap.com/suc cessfactors/odata/v2/User,UserPermissions/User?%24top-5&%24select=firstName%2ClastName " --header "APIKey: e9ZibykWXsAfkMUexchhHN" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Content-Type: application/json"
在SAP UI5應用裡消費API的程式碼:
//Create JSON Model with URL
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
//API Key for API Sandbox
var sHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Accept":"application/json","APIKey":"e9ZLBOfIplCOnibykWXsAfkMUexchhHN"};
//Available Security Schemes for productive API Endpoints
//Basic Authentication
//Basic Auth : provide username:password in Base64 encoded in Authorization header
//sending request
//API endpoint for API sandbox
oModel.loadData("https://sandbox.api.sap.com/successfactors/odata/v2/User", null, true, "GET", null, false, sHeaders);
//Optional query parameters: "$top" , "$skip"
//To view the complete list of query parameters, see its API definition.
//Available API Endpoints
//You can assign the created data model to a View and UI5 controls can be bound to it. Please refer documentation available at the below link for more information.
//The below code snippet for printing on the console is for testing/demonstration purpose only. This must not be done in real UI5 applications.
var oData = oEvent.getSource().oData;
"create http destination by url; API endpoint for API sandbox
DATA(lo_http_destination) =
cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( 'https://sandbox.api.sap.com/successfactors/odata/v2/User' ).
"alternatively create HTTP destination via destination service
"cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_cloud_destination( i_name = '<...>'
" i_service_instance_name = '<...>' )
"SAP Help: SAP Help Portal
"Available API Endpoints
"create HTTP client by destination
DATA(lo_web_http_client) = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( lo_http_destination ) .
"adding headers with API Key for API Sandbox
DATA(lo_web_http_request) = lo_web_http_client->get_http_request( ).
lo_web_http_request->set_header_fields( VALUE #(
( name = 'Content-Type' value = 'application/json' )
( name = 'Accept' value = 'application/json' )
( name = 'APIKey' value = 'e9ZLBOfIplCOnibykWXsAfkMUexchhHN' )
) ).
"Available Security Schemes for productive API Endpoints
"Bearer and Basic Authentication
"lo_web_http_request->set_authorization_bearer( i_bearer = '<...>' ).
"lo_web_http_request->set_authorization_basic( i_username = '<...>' i_password = '<...>' ).
"set request method and execute request
DATA(lo_web_http_response) = lo_web_http_client->execute( if_web_http_client=>GET ).
DATA(lv_response) = lo_web_http_response->get_text( ).
CATCH cx_http_dest_provider_error cx_web_http_client_error cx_web_message_error.
"error handling
"uncomment the following line for console output; prerequisite: code snippet is implementation of if_oo_adt_classrun~main
"out->write( |response: { lv_response }| ).
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2677577/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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