SAP API management portal - 如何建立API provider
(1) The API Provider is used to abstract the connection to the backend / target system
(2) The API Proxy is the actual API which contains the logic to connect to the target system. Here you can model the flow, add security policies, transform the incoming message or look for content injections
(3) The API Product which bundles one or more API Proxies before they are exposed in the API Developer portal so they can be consumed by a developer
You will use SAP Cloud Platform, API Management to create an API Provider. This API Provider will connect to a backend system, in your case to the SAP Gateway Developer System. In a real-life scenario the API Provider could connect to your Developer System. Once you have created and tested an API Proxy on it, you would transport the proxy to your productive system and the underlying API Provider would now point to your productive backend system.
Where do you discover and consume Products that contain API Proxies?
登入API portal:
在home介面,建立一個新的API povider:
切換到connection皮膚,將host維護成指向SAP gateway demo系統的url:
catalog service settings裡,將path prefix維護成/sap/opu/odata,
Service collection url:
點選自動生成的catalog url,
確保在瀏覽器裡能正常開啟這個catalog service:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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