使用SAP CRM mock框架進行單元測試的設計
There is an interface IF_CRM_PRODUCT_PROXY in CRM which declares almost all function modules from function group COM_PRODUCT_API for product master access.
This interface is implemented by three classes below.
CL_CRM_PRODUCT_PROXY will delegate the call to MOCK_PROXY( for unit test ) or REAL_PROXY( for productive use ) according to different mode in which the code is running. As an application developer, we do not directly call CL_CRM_PRODUCT_PROXY in our application code, but use another wrapper class CL_CRM_PRODUCT_API instead. For example, I would like to get the product guid for product with id “I042416”, I use the following source code:
In productive use scenario, the callstack could be found below: our test report calls CL_CRM_PRODUCT_API, which calls CL_CRM_PRODUCT_PROXY, which then calls the productive implementation – CL_CRM_PRODUCT_REAL_PROXY. Inside the real proxy, function module COM_PRODUCT_GUID_GET is called.
How to use CRM mock framework to make fake product guid is returned
Suppose in my unit test code, I would like a fake guid “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” is returned by the same source code. 1. Just add the following source code to let CL_CRM_PRODUCT_PROXY know that currently the code is running under mock mode.
cl_factory_proxy=>set_source( iv_source = 'MOCK'
iv_xml_master_data_file = '\\TSHomeServer\TSHome$\i042416\Desktop\test.xml'
iv_read_from_mime = abap_false ).
This code would probably be inserted into the class_setup of your unit test code.
- paste the following source code into your test.xml:
<Mock XMLCompressVersion="2">
<XMLRC_Object ObjectName="CL_CRM_PRODUCT_API" Component="COM_PRODUCT_GUID_GET" input="8B70F13430313231340300">
- Where does input 8B70F13430313231340300 in xml come from? Set a breakpoint on function module PROXY_CONVERT_TO_STRING,
and you can know this value is calculated based on the zip operation of the concatenated value based on all input parameter values ( in my example, it is CDI042416 )
- Where does qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqg== for IV_PRODUCT_GUID in xml come from?
Execute function module SSFC_BASE64_ENCODE in test mode, paste the fake guid AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and execute it, then you get base64 encoded value. Paste the value into xml file.
- Now execute the test report once again. From callstack you can see that the MOCK_PROXY is called, the faked guid is fetched from XML and returned:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2703838/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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