SAP MB21建立預留報錯- 轉換到可選度量單位期間的錯誤 - 之對策
SAP MM MB21建立預留單據報錯- Error during conversion to alternative units of measure -
Error during conversion to alternative units of measure
Message no. XU001
An error occurred during conversion of the quantity stored to
alternative units of measure or vice versa:
o the quantity stored could not be converted to an alternative unit of
measure to the correct decimal place
o or another conversion error occurred due to unsuitable transfer
parameters when the calling up the quantity conversion
System Response
The item cannot be entered
o Check the batch classification
o Check the settings for the use of proportional/product units.
經查,該物料有啟用批次雙計量單位,除了基本計量單位PC,還有批次特定計量單位W/P (瓦/PC)。而批次特性裡沒有維護正確的批次特性值,
這樣系統在202移動型別預留單據建立的時候,需要去換算將要收進來的120 PC該物料摺合成多少功率,因為該特性值沒有維護好,所以導致報錯。
2019-05-15 寫於蘇州市.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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