SAP S/4HANA擴充套件欄位建立過程的單步除錯


As I said the extension field generation is done in Asynchronous way via background job execution. If you need to debug it for trouble shooting, cumbersome steps must be done to setup debugging:

SAP S/4HANA擴充套件欄位建立過程的單步除錯

As a result, there is more convenient way done by Extension framework to enable easier debugging.

Set this user parameter as X in your user profile:

SAP S/4HANA擴充套件欄位建立過程的單步除錯

After that, the generation job will be done synchronously, see line 43:

SAP S/4HANA擴充套件欄位建立過程的單步除錯

Now you can directly press F5 to reach the program for field generation and continue debugging there.

SAP S/4HANA擴充套件欄位建立過程的單步除錯

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