如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI


(1) Go to the Fiori UI where you would like to enhance, and enter adaptation mode by clicking this icon:

如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI

(2) Click "Adapt UI":

如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI

(3) Choose "Add Field" in context menu:

如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI

(4) Choose the extension field you want to add in "Available field list":

如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI

Exit the adaptation mode, and the new field will be there.

如何使用Key User Tool擴充套件SAP S/4HANA Fiori UI

use GRE/210 as gateway system, and XT9/715 as backend system.

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