Navicat for Oracle Instant client required(轉載)
Instant client required
Apply OS : Windows, Mac, Linux
Apply Navicat Product : Navicat for Oracle, Navicat Premium
Apply Navicat Version No. : Version 8.x
Instant Client package is required for Basic and TNS connection type. To
download Instant Client package (Instant Client Package - Basic),
please go to
Connection Type
In Basic mode, Navicat Oracle connects to Oracle through the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). OCI is an application programming interface that allows an application developer to use a third-generation language's native procedure or function calls to access the Oracle database server and control all phases of SQL statement execution. OCI is a library of standard database access and retrieval functions in the form. of a dynamic-link library. -
In TNS mode, Navicat Oracle connects to Oracle server using an alias entry from a tnsnames.ora file.
Installation Instructions
Download the appropriate Instant Client packages for your platform.
(must be 32-bit version, even you are using 64-bit Windows). All
installations REQUIRE the Basic or Basic Lite package.
Note:- For Oracle 9i or above, you need Instant Client 11 or below
- For Oracle 8 and 8i server, you need Instant Client 10 or below
Unzip the packages into a single directory such as "C:\instantclient_11_1".
In Options -> OCI, choose the oci.dll in the directory you defined in Step 2 ("C:\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll").
- Restart Navicat.
Installation Instructions
Download the appropriate Instant Client packages for your platform.
(must be 32-bit version). All installations REQUIRE the Basic or Basic
Lite package.
Hint:- MAC OSX any versions running on PPC cpu should use PPC Navicat and PPC Instant Client.
- MAC OSX 10.4 or below running on INTEL cpu should use PPC Navicat and PPC Instant Client.
- MAC OSX 10.5 up running on INTEL cpu should use X86 Navicat and x86 Instant Client.
Just simply unzip the packages and copy all files under /usr/lib or
~/lib. (Copy all files under /usr/lib for Mac OS X 10.3, otherwise, copy
all files under /usr/lib or ~/lib for Mac OS X 10.4 or above.)
Tips: Besides, you can place the instant client in anywhere you like and then specify the path in Preference.
- Restart Navicat.
Installation Instructions
Download Instant Client packages for Microsoft Windows (32-bit). All installations REQUIRE the Basic or Basic Lite package.
Note:- For Oracle 9i or above, you need Instant Client 11 or below
- For Oracle 8 and 8i server, you need Instant Client 10 or below
Unzip the packages into a single directory such as "/home/test/instantclient_11_1".
In Options -> OCI, choose the oci.dll in the directory you defined in Step 2 ("/home/test/instantclient_11_1").
- Restart Navicat.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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