Oracle client安裝the jre is 0故障處理
將 setup.exe拖到cmd裡執行,仍然閃退,前臺沒有日誌。
os:windows server 2012
檢視安裝日誌,C:\使用者\Default\AppData\Local\Temp\Oraclexxx ...
The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0.
The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0.
根據關鍵字檢視,和 文件 ID 436299.1相匹配
The OUI will report issue if the amount of free disk space in temp is equal or more than 2 TB . OUI will not launch after showing the following messages in the Installation log. The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0. The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0. The solution is to point the TEMP to directory having less space , % export TMP=<other directory> % export TEMP=$TMP % export TMPDIR=$TMP (or) create a dummy file to consume the existing space and bring the temp space to less then 2TB and the example command is provided below C:\Temp>fsutil file createnew imhuge.dat 2048000000000
新掛載一塊100g的小盤,單獨建立一個磁碟分割槽E:\盤。 E盤下建立temp臨時目錄。 開啟cmd視窗,臨時設定temp環境變數。 set TMP=E:\temp set TEMP=E:\temp set TMPDIR=E:\temp 然後在當前cmd建立下執行setup.exe,可以正常啟動圖行安裝客戶端了。
其中: 文件 ID 436299.1詳細內容如下:
Common reasons for OUI failure/crash on the MS Windows platforms (文件 ID 436299.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later IAS/IDS Components Install - Version and later Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows Server 2003Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 (64-bit AMD64 and Intel EM64T)Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Here are the most common reasons why the OUI fails or crashes, on any Microsoft Windows Operating System: 1. Operating System Permissions: Oracle recommends running the OUI as an Administrator. However, sometimes using an account that belongs to the Administrator group is not enough. Thus, whenever there is a problem running the OUI, we will recommend using the Local Administrator account. There is a difference between the Local Administrator account and a user account that has Administrator privileges. To determine if the failure is related to OS Permissions, we always recommend you login as the Local Administrator of the machine. Then run the OUI. If the OUI runs correctly, then the problem is with your OS account. Example : Patching would fail if the user doesn't have privileges to update the registry 2. Remote Connection Utilities: Trying to run the OUI over a remote connection (such as Terminal Services, Remote Desktop, etc..) can cause the OUI to not run. While it may work for some customers, if there is a problem when using any of these remote connection utilities, we will ask that you login to the server console directly, and try the install. If the install works on the server console, and not over your remote connection, then the problem is with the remote connection utility. A lot of times, the problem is due to the way the remote connection utility is setup / configured. If you must use Remote Desktop (or some other remote connection), make sure to use the Admin option. For example, on Windows 2008, you would start a cmd prompt and run the command: mstsc.exe /admin (on older Windows systems, you could use the command mstsc.exe /console). 3. Software conflicts: There is a possibility of the OUI failing, due to conflicts with other software. Some things to check: Make sure there is not a newer version of Java installed. For example, the 10g OUI uses the JDK 1.4.2 (installed when Oracle is installed). If there is a newer version of the JDk installed on the system (for example, the 1.5 version), it can cause a problem with the OUI. Check your PATH. If you find a newer (or older) version of the JDK installed, remove it from the PATH (you do not have to remove the software, just from the PATH). NOTE: It is ok to have other JDKs installed from other Oracle Products. These normally do not cause a problem. 4. Services Running: There have been a few cases where having some services running (even if they are not being used) can cause a problem. For example, the Terminal Services service was running (the customer was not connected over a Terminal Services Session), and it caused a problem. Once the Service was stopped, the OUI ran fine. You can look at what services are running, and try stopping any service that is not needed by Windows. 5. Spaces in the directory names: Make sure you do not have any spaces in the directory name, where you are installing the software from. This includes new installs and patches. If a space exists in the directory name, you will need to remove it. Another place to check for spaces is in the TEMP and TMP variables. These are used for the initial installation, for a temporary location for the OUI. However, if a space exists in the TEMP and TMP variables, the OUI will fail. By Default, Windows sets the TEMP and TMP locations for a user, to: C:\Documents and Settings\%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp. Notice the spaces in the directory names. This should be changed to something like: C:\TEMP (NOTE: Make sure the directory exists). 6. Trying to install the software from a Mapped or Network Drive. There have been documented cases when trying to install the software from a Mapped Drive, or a Network Drive, where the Installer failed with many different error messages. It is recommended to run the installer directly on the machine where you are trying to install the software. You may need to copy the software to a temporary directory, run the installer, and then you can remove the temporary install location. For example, copy the software to c:\oracle-stage, and run the installer from this directory. Once the software is installed, you can delete the c:\oracle-stage directory. 7. Another problem that was discovered, is if the directory path is too long. In this particular example, a customer was using the path: F:\Software\GridControl_10.2.0.4_Win32\GridControl_10.2.0.4_Win32\p3731593_10204_Win32\3731593\Disk1. The OUI would not start or starts but immediately disappears. Once the path was reduced in size, the OUI ran fine. 8. We have seen the OUI fail when the media was extracted with the built in Windows Unzip utility. The files have become corrupted. Or, not all of the files have been extracted. There was also a report of a 3rd Party unzip tool called IZARC, which had the same issues. We have seen the best success with either WINZIP or 7zip to extract the .zip files. 9. Also refer following note for some other issue: <Note 407095.1> Oui Fails With 'Error In Writing To Directory /Tmp/Orainstall...' 10. It is also observed that antivirus software installed also causes OUI failure. Disable the antivirus and invoke OUI. 11. The OUI will report issue if the amount of free disk space in temp is equal or more than 2 TB . OUI will not launch after showing the following messages in the Installation log. The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0. The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0. The solution is to point the TEMP to directory having less space , % export TMP=<other directory> % export TEMP=$TMP % export TMPDIR=$TMP (or) create a dummy file to consume the existing space and bring the temp space to less then 2TB and the example command is provided below C:\Temp>fsutil file createnew imhuge.dat 2048000000000 Refer BUG 14146780 12. Swap Space : Check for the availability of the swap space as the OUI can fail to launch if there is no required swap space 13. check that the Oracle Home path doesn't contain any special character like $ or #..etc
NOTE:269173.1 - OracleAS 10g Rel 1 (9.0.4) OUI Disappears On MS Windows After Launching setup.exe NOTE:418479.1 - Files in Use errors, when applying patches on Windows NOTE:407095.1 - Oui Fails With 'Error In Writing To Directory /Tmp/Orainstall...' NOTE:266617.1 - Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) may appear and then disappear on Windows 2000 with
###chenjuchao 2021-02-01 19:20###
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