Operating system (OS) authentication and Password files authentication
所討論的是關於具有SYSDBA or SYSOPER的特權使用者的認證方式
1 overview of authentication for adminnistrator
2 Password file authentication method
3 OS authentication method
4 Preparing to Use OS Authentication
5 Preparing to Use Password File Authentication
1 overview of authentication for adminnistrator
To connect to Oracle as a privileged user over a local connection or a secure remote connection, you have the following options:
l You can connect and be authenticated by a password file; provided the database has a password file and you have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privilege.
l If the server is not using a password file, or if you have not been granted SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges and are therefore not in the password file, you can use OS authentication. On most operating systems, OS authentication for database dministrators involves placing the OS username of the database administrator in a special group, generically referred to as OSDBA.
(你只能夠在兩種情況下以 privileged user connect to database.
l 一個database user, have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privilege. 透過Password file authenticated method.
Conn username/passwd as sysdba
l 在OS xxx 使用者環境下,如果這個使用者 xxx 是 OSDBA (dba) 組中的一員.
conn / as sysdba
Example: gdut is a normal user
2 Password file authentication method.
[gdut@redhat gdut]$ id
uid=500(gdut) gid=500(gdut) groups=500(gdut)
[gdut@redhat gdut]$ sqlplus /nolog
idle> conn / as sysdba
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
idle> conn mouse/mouse as sysdba --- “mouse is a normal database user”
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
idle> grant sysdba to mouse;
Grant succeeded.
idle> conn mouse/mouse as sysdba
Of course, the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE must be exclusive to use password file authentication.
idle> show parameter remote_login_passwordfile
------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------
remote_login_passwordfile string NONE
idle> alter system set remote_login_passwordfile=none scope=spfile;
System altered.
[gdut@redhat gdut]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun May 2 01:09:12 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
idle> conn mouse/mouse as sysdba
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
3 OS authentication method
[oracle@redhat dbs]$ id ---- oracle is a member of dba group
uid=501(oracle) gid=501(dba) groups=501(dba),502(oinstall)
[oracle@redhat dbs]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun May 2 01:01:49 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
idle> conn / as sysdba
Your choice will be influenced by whether you intend to administer your database locally on the same machine where the database resides, or whether you intend to administer many different databases from a single remote client.
4 Preparing to Use OS Authentication
To enable authentication of an administrative user using the operating system you must do the following:
1. Create an operating system account for the user.
2. Add the user to the OSDBA or OSOPER operating system defined groups.
3. Ensure that the initialization parameter, REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE, is set to NONE. This is the default value for this parameter.
show parameter remote_login_passwordfile
------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------
remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE
這是怎麼回事,remote_login_passwordfile 並不是NONE,但仍可用OS authenticated method login ?
Operating system authentication takes precedence over password file authentication. (因為OS 認證方式優於Password File 認證方式)
Connecting Using OS Authentication
A user can be authenticated, enabled as an administrative user, and connected to a local database by typing one of the following SQL*Plus commands:
For a remote database connection over a secure connection, the user must also specify the net service name of the remote database:
CONNECT /@net_service_name AS SYSDBA
CONNECT /@net_service_name AS SYSOPER
OS authentication has nothing to do with whether you connect database locally or remotely.
5 Preparing to Use Password File Authentication
To enable authentication of an administrative user using password file authentication you must do the following:
1. Create an operating system account for the user.
2. If not already created, create the password file using the ORAPWD utility:
ORAPWD FILE=filename PASSWORD=password ENTRIES=max_users
3. Set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter to EXCLUSIVE.
4. Connect to the database as user SYS (or as another user with the administrative privilege).
5. If the user does not already exist in the database, create the user. Grant the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privilege to the user:
GRANT SYSDBA to scott;
This statement adds the user to the password file, thereby enabling connection AS SYSDBA.
如果使用者所在的組是OSDBA group (dba), 那麼就可以在這個使用者下 conn / as sysdba ,以作業系統認證方式登入,否則報insufficient privileges.
Two special operating system groups control database administrator connections when using OS authentication. These groups are generically referred to as OSDBA and OSOPER.
The following describes how membership in the OSDBA or OSOPER group affects your connection to Oracle:
If you are a member of the OSDBA group, and specify AS SYSDBA when you connect to the database, you are granted the SYSDBA system privilege.
If you are a member of the OSOPER group, and specify AS SYSOPER when you connect to the database, you are granted the SYSOPER system privilege.
If you are not a member of the associated operating system group for SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges, the CONNECT command fails.
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