How to find the UDID for an iPhone/iPod touch

The UDID is a 40-character string unique to each iPhone/iPod touch. The UDID is needed for ad-hoc distribution applications. Typically you will need to e-mail the UDID to the application provider, so they can generate an ad-hoc mobile profile for your iPhone/iPod touch.

To find your iPhone/iPod touch UDID:
  1. Connect the iPhone/iPod Touch to the computer, iTunes will sync with the iPhone/iPod Touch;
  2. In iTunes, select your iPhone/iPod touch from the DEVICES list;
  3. Select the Summary tab;
  4. In the top section of the window, find and click on the entry labled Serial Number, the entry will change to Identifier and display a 40-character string (the UDID);
  5. To copy the UDID, open the Edit menu and select Copy (no need to select or highlight the UDID string);
  6. You can now paste the UDID string in whatever application you need.


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