Trace the connections being made to the Oracle database-客戶端跟蹤連線
At times, when troubleshooting connectivity issues or performance issues, you might need to run listener trace (server side) and/or a sqlnet trace (client side trace). Oracle support staff will also ask for these files when you enlist their help in troubleshooting these issues. Here are the steps on how you can do that:
1,To enable sqlnet trace (client side trace):啟用sqlnet跟蹤(客戶端跟蹤)
Add the following to the sqlnet.ora file on the application server(s) from where the connections are being made to the Oracle database:
2,To stop the sqlnet trace:禁用sqlnet跟蹤(客戶端跟蹤)
Remove the following entries from sqlnet.ora or comment them out by using the # sign:
You can run both trace (伺服器端、客戶端)at the same time for 15 minutes or so in order to get some meaningful data set.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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