卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filters)
- 一個是平均數
- 一個是方差,通常寫為平方值。
我們將該方程的第一部分稱為 係數,第二部分稱為 指數。第二部分在定義高斯的形狀時最為重要,而係數是一個歸一化因子。
# import math functions
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# gaussian function
def f(mu, sigma2, x):
''' f takes in a mean and squared variance, and an input x
and returns the gaussian value.'''
coefficient = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * pi *sigma2)
exponential = exp(-0.5 * (x-mu) ** 2 / sigma2)
return coefficient * exponential
# an example Gaussian
gauss_1 = f(10, 4, 8)
# display a gaussian over a range of x values
# define the parameters
mu = 10
sigma2 = 4
# define a range of x values
x_axis = np.arange(0, 20, 0.1)
# create a corresponding list of gaussian values
g = []
for x in x_axis:
g.append(f(mu, sigma2, x))
# plot the result
plt.plot(x_axis, g)
# import math functions
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# gaussian function
def f(mu, sigma2, x):
''' f takes in a mean and squared variance, and an input x
and returns the gaussian value.'''
coefficient = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * pi *sigma2)
exponential = exp(-0.5 * (x-mu) ** 2 / sigma2)
return coefficient * exponential
# the update function
def update(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters.'''
## TODO: Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = (var2 * mean1 + var1 * mean2) / (var1 + var2)
new_var = 1 / (1 / var1 + 1 / var2)
return [new_mean, new_var]
# display a gaussian over a range of x values
# define the parameters
mu = new_params[0]
sigma2 = new_params[1]
# define a range of x values
x_axis = np.arange(0, 20, 0.1)
# create a corresponding list of gaussian values
g = []
for x in x_axis:
g.append(f(mu, sigma2, x))
# plot the result
plt.plot(x_axis, g)
- 測量更新增加了 我們的判斷確定性
- 運動更新/預測降低了我們的判斷確定性
# import math functions
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# gaussian function
def f(mu, sigma2, x):
''' f takes in a mean and squared variance, and an input x
and returns the gaussian value.'''
coefficient = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * pi *sigma2)
exponential = exp(-0.5 * (x-mu) ** 2 / sigma2)
return coefficient * exponential
# the update function
def update(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters.'''
# Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = (var2*mean1 + var1*mean2)/(var2+var1)
new_var = 1/(1/var2 + 1/var1)
return [new_mean, new_var]
# the motion update/predict function
def predict(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters, after motion.'''
## TODO: Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = mean1 + mean2
new_var = var1 + var2
return [new_mean, new_var]
通過遍歷一系列x值並建立高斯值 g的結果列表來繪製一個高斯圖,如下所示。你可以嘗試更改mu和sigma2的值,看一看會發生什麼。
# display a gaussian over a range of x values
# define the parameters
mu = new_params[0]
sigma2 = new_params[1]
# define a range of x values
x_axis = np.arange(0, 40, 0.1)
# create a corresponding list of gaussian values
g = []
for x in x_axis:
g.append(f(mu, sigma2, x))
# plot the result
plt.plot(x_axis, g)
1D 卡爾曼濾波器程式碼
- 感測並執行測量更新任務
# import math functions
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# gaussian function
def f(mu, sigma2, x):
''' f takes in a mean and squared variance, and an input x
and returns the gaussian value.'''
coefficient = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * pi *sigma2)
exponential = exp(-0.5 * (x-mu) ** 2 / sigma2)
return coefficient * exponential
# the update function
def update(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters.'''
# Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = (var2*mean1 + var1*mean2)/(var2+var1)
new_var = 1/(1/var2 + 1/var1)
return [new_mean, new_var]
# the motion update/predict function
def predict(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters, after motion.'''
# Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = mean1 + mean2
new_var = var1 + var2
return [new_mean, new_var]
。注意,初始估計設定為位置0,方差非常大;這是一種高度混亂的狀態,就像我們在直方圖濾波器中使用的 均勻 分佈一樣。
# measurements for mu and motions, U
measurements = [5., 6., 7., 9., 10.]
motions = [1., 1., 2., 1., 1.]
# initial parameters
measurement_sig = 4.
motion_sig = 2.
mu = 0.
sig = 10000.
## TODO: Loop through all measurements/motions
## Print out and display the resulting Gaussian
# your code here
## TODO: Loop through all measurements/motions
# this code assumes measurements and motions have the same length
# so their updates can be performed in pairs
for n in range(len(measurements)):
# measurement update, with uncertainty
mu, sig = update(mu, sig, measurements[n], measurement_sig)
print('Update: [{}, {}]'.format(mu, sig))
# motion update, with uncertainty
mu, sig = predict(mu, sig, motions[n], motion_sig)
print('Predict: [{}, {}]'.format(mu, sig))
# print the final, resultant mu, sig
print('Final result: [{}, {}]'.format(mu, sig))
## Print out and display the final, resulting Gaussian
# set the parameters equal to the output of the Kalman filter result
mu = mu
sigma2 = sig
# define a range of x values
x_axis = np.arange(-20, 20, 0.1)
# create a corresponding list of gaussian values
g = []
for x in x_axis:
g.append(f(mu, sigma2, x))
# plot the result
plt.plot(x_axis, g)
- 測試卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)Filter
- 詳解卡爾曼濾波(Kalman Filter)原理Filter
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- 卡爾曼濾波
- 卡爾曼濾波器預測原理
- Kalman濾波器的原理與實現
- 卡爾曼濾波器學習筆記筆記
- 卡爾曼濾波學習資料
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