SAP Stock Inconsistency


SAP Stock Inconsistency



Very often we get issues like stock shown in Material Master record with Stock available in MMBE . At the same time, valuated stock will not match with codes/reports like MCBE, MC.9, MB53. It is very important in Inventory Management to check that the stocks are properly maintained for their correctness in terms of quantity and value. These type of inconsistencies cause instability of system in terms of incorrect reporting, false stock statements and incorrect decisions.

This document deals with possible causes of stock inconsistencies and the analysis required for finding the same and taking corrective measures.

Possible Reasons for Stock Inconsistency:

Prolonged usage of inventory management transactions like MIGO, MB1B for stock posting.

Archiving of documents.

Wrong postings with negative stock\

History tables MBEWH, MARDH, MSEG, MKPF not updated properly

Errors during Inventory Transactions:

Whatever may be the reason, system would become inconsistent which may provide error message like any of the following :

M7 308 ‘Stock value and qty are unrealistic: & / &

M7 309 ‘Stock value is negative: &

M7 310 ‘Valuated stock is negative: &

M7 314 ‘Valuated stock becomes negative: &

The possible reason is, there exist no actual stock in the system, though MMBE shows some stock. Most of the time this could be the reason for error messages.

Transactions where we can check the stocks:

Various transactions which are used to find stocks in SAP are :

MMBE – Stock Overview Report

MM03 –  Accounting view of material master fetches data from MBEW (table for valuated stock)

MB53 – Plant Stock Availability

MB52 – Warehouse Stock Availability

Possible causes of inconsistency and their solution:

1. Difference between storage location stock and batch stock

Sometimes, the sum of all batch stocks from MCHB table for a particular material differ from storage location stock available from table MARD. This is not applicable to spacial stock like Sales Order stock or Project Stock.

The possible reason for this inconsistency could be when you use a modification for batch number assignment. One batch is assigned several times (e.g. use of a dummy batch number or the actual date)


Check your modification in batch number assignment, in particular in Function Module VB_NEXT_BATCH_NUMBER.

A second option to find whether the inconsistency is a result of such a modification is to call transaction MSC3N for the relevant batch and display the change documents. If there there several change documents with the content “Batch created”, this usually hints to a modification in batch number assignment.

To avoid further inconsistencies, delete your modifications. Implement Notes 1035372 and 1062164 and set the parameter ALLOW_EXISTING_BATCH in the existing user exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002 to make postings to the existing batch. If the system now issues the error message M3 204 ‘Batch & already exissts in plant &’ or M# 556 ‘Batch & already exists for material &’ , you must repopulate the batch number in the user exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_010.

2. Wrong Goods Receipt

In your system, there is a GR for PO, in which an item in the material document contains the material number of the previous purchase order item.

3. A material has inconsistent data

The stock in Accounting View (Table MBEW) does not correspond to the stock in the Stock Overview. You have own programs which cary out an update on MBEW.

Cause and Prerequisites:

Table MBEW contains valuation data of material , for example the total stock and total value.  These fields are updated with every goods movement. With these frequent changes in the table, each updatem which doesnot lock the table correctly, can cause data inconsistency.


Do not use your own programs to change fields LBKUM, SALK3, SALKV, VKSAL, STPRS, VERPR, VPRSV of table MBEW.

If you use own programs which changes other fields of table MBEW, always use the addition SET. Thus, on the database only, fields specified with command SET are changed. Stock postings which may be carried out at the same time remains unaffected.

4. Non-generation of Accounting Document in MIGO

When Goods Movement is posted, a material document is generated. However, no update on the dependent stock tables, such as MARD and MBEW are carried out. In addition, no accounting document gets generated.

Causes and Prerequisites

Following procedure causes incorrect update.

i. You post goods movement with transaction MB11 or MB1A

ii. You enter movement type, plant and storage location in initial screen and choose Enter

iii. You enter material number in the following overview screen and confirm your entry by choosing Enter.

iv. Since you did not fill the field quantity, you reach the detail field automatically. Your system generates warning message M7 129 ‘Enter a quantity’.

v. You display the movable quantity using Key combination Shift + F5, and exit the dialog box (F12).

vi. Enter the entry quantity in the following detail screen and confirm it by choosing Enter.

vii. Then press cancel (F12)

viii. You reach the Overview screen again and post goods movement (F11)

5. Due to Period Closing Issues

In period closing for material master (MMPV), goods movement are done during the interval between Last Day of the Old Period and First Day of the New Period.

It is recommended not to post any documents whilst the period closing programs are running. Before the period closing program runs, check in transaction SM13 whether outstanding update terminations of goods movement are still displayed. These must be cleared and closed before the period closing program runs.

Useful Reports to Analyze Inconsistencies:

RM07SHUP – Shows updates recorded in table mminkon_up.

MBANEKBE – Display of a purchase order history

MBCKBSEG – This report checks Materials having balance in FI with no entry in MBEW, Materials with wrong valuation class in MBEW as a result of which account determination gets different account as in BSEG , Materials which have a different actual value in MBEW as in BSEG, Manual Postings or with posting key not equal to BSX for stock accounts

MBCKBSIM – This report checks whether for all BSEG entries, a BSIM entry exists

MBTRAMEW – This report will try to find inconsistencies caused by Stock Transfer Orders with active ingredient batches. This report also allows posting the correction using transaction MWBE

RM07HIST – routine to read history stock from history tables.

MBUPDATE – This report allows modification of MM-IM table fields. Updated values are stored in table MMINKON_UP

MBLABST – Shows general information and Stocks for a specified material in a specified plant.

MBMSSQCR – Using this report, user may change the content of field MSSQ-KZBWS (special stock valuation indicator) when the special stock is 0.


Although there are many reasons for stock inconsistencies, some of possible reasons and there solutions have been discussed. Finding out inconsistencies and their corrections will improve the stock management thereby, reducing the inventory costs.



 There are many notes and standard programs related to the same. It would be even better if you can enhance the document by adding the related notes or KBA’s like




4.   2010127 – Inappropriate customizing change of material type may cause stock inconsistency.





9.   92550 – Stock inconsistency due to customer enhancement (exit, BAdI)




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