Checklist for PRVF-10037 : Failed to retrieve storage type for xx on node xx
(Doc ID 1233505.1)
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later [Release: 11.2 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
CVU utility cluvfy reports the following error while checking OCR either on running 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure environment or while upgrading to 11gR2 GI from earlier CRS or GI version:
Checking OCR integrity...
Check for compatible storage device for OCR location "/dev/raw/raw1"...
PRVF-10037 : Failed to retrieve storage type for "/dev/raw/raw1" on node "racnode1"
OCR integrity check failed
Check for compatible storage device for OCR location "/dev/raw/raw1"...
PRVF-10037 : Failed to retrieve storage type for "/dev/raw/raw1" on node "racnode1"
OCR integrity check failed
False warning generated by unpublished CVU bug 10024549SOLUTION
The warning can be ignored.To check whether there's issue with OCR, execute the following:
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 3
Total space (kbytes) : 262120
Used space (kbytes) : 2772
Available space (kbytes) : 259348
ID : 1521035268
Device/File Name : /dev/rdsk/c0d2s6
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File not configured
Device/File not configured
Device/File not configured
Device/File not configured
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
Logical corruption check succeeded
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