teradata limits
SYSTEM Number of Data bases 4.2 Billion
Message length 1 MB
SQL request length 1 MB
Active transactions 2,048
Data Parcel Length 65,104
Parcels in one message 256[@more@]SQL title length 60
String constant length 255
Data Format Descriptor Length 30
Error message text in failure parcel 255
Sessions per gateway (Max 1 gateway / Node) 1,200
Sessions per PE 120
Concurrent Utility jobs 15
Vprocs per system 16,384
Vprocs per Node 128
Data capacity per AMP - Unformatted 1.3 Tbyte
DATABASE Tables per database 32,000
Journal tables per database 1
Columns per table 2,048
LOB columns per table 32
Columns per View / Spool file 512
Block Size 130,560
Row size (approx) 64,256
Column size (approx) 64,000
LOB size 2 GB
Column / Table name length 30
Number of fields per index 62
Secondary / Join indexes per table 32
Table level constraints per table 100
Referential constraints per table 64
Tables that can reference a table 64
Columns in Foreign & Parent key 16
View / Macro nesting levels 8
Rows per table limited by space available
SESSION Spool Files 2048
Global Temporary Tables 1000
Volatile Temporary Tables 2000
Parallel steps performed ( If no channels) 20
Number of channels 10
(Redistribution across AMPs uses 4 channels,
Non prime Index (without redistribution) uses 2 channels)
Message length 1 MB
SQL request length 1 MB
Active transactions 2,048
Data Parcel Length 65,104
Parcels in one message 256[@more@]SQL title length 60
String constant length 255
Data Format Descriptor Length 30
Error message text in failure parcel 255
Sessions per gateway (Max 1 gateway / Node) 1,200
Sessions per PE 120
Concurrent Utility jobs 15
Vprocs per system 16,384
Vprocs per Node 128
Data capacity per AMP - Unformatted 1.3 Tbyte
DATABASE Tables per database 32,000
Journal tables per database 1
Columns per table 2,048
LOB columns per table 32
Columns per View / Spool file 512
Block Size 130,560
Row size (approx) 64,256
Column size (approx) 64,000
LOB size 2 GB
Column / Table name length 30
Number of fields per index 62
Secondary / Join indexes per table 32
Table level constraints per table 100
Referential constraints per table 64
Tables that can reference a table 64
Columns in Foreign & Parent key 16
View / Macro nesting levels 8
Rows per table limited by space available
SESSION Spool Files 2048
Global Temporary Tables 1000
Volatile Temporary Tables 2000
Parallel steps performed ( If no channels) 20
Number of channels 10
(Redistribution across AMPs uses 4 channels,
Non prime Index (without redistribution) uses 2 channels)
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/16723161/viewspace-1022140/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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