【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題60】Which three are true about UNDO data?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題59】 Where is backup metadata stored for use by
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題58】Which three are true about the Automatic
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題57】 You plan to install Oracle Grid
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題56】 Which three are true about the Automatic
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題55】 which two statements are true about
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題54】 Examine these attributes for the profile
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題53】 Which two are true about AWR snapshots?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題52】 Which two events always request the LGWR
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題51】 You want to use the ALTER SYSTEM statement
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題50】 Which two are true about space
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題49】Examine these facts about a database.
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題48】When would you use memory advisors?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題47】Which three are true about dynamic
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題46】 Which two are true about transactions
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題45】 Which two types of information can be f
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題44】USER1.EMP has a referential integrity
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題43】You are installing Oracle Grid Infrastructu
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題42】 which is true about invalid PL/SQL
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題41】Which two are true about data dictionary
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題40】Your database is open in ARCHIVELOG mode
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題39】Which two can be backed up by using
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題38】Which is true about enabling AUTOEXTEND for
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題37】Which two are true about the Fast
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題36】USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE p
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題35】In your database: SGA_TARGET=270M
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題34】You want to audit update statements that
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題33】 Which two can be exported by a non-admi
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題32】The ORCL database has CONTROL FILE AU
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題31】Which three are true about auditing?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題30】 Where is an expdp operation tracked?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題29】 For which requirement should you config
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題28】Which action is automatically perfo
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題27】Your database is configured in archivelog
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題26】Which is true about the (DBCA)?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題25】Which three can be used to schedule
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題24】 Which two are true about Optimizer
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題23】Which two affect the time taken for ins
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題22】Which three of these must be accessible
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題21】Table EMP resides in the USERS tablespace.
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題20】Which command is used to display files that
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題19】Which two are true about the DRA?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題18】 Which two are true about server-generated
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題17】 Which three are true about the (AWR)?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題16】Your database instance is in NOMOUNT state
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題15】 Which two are true about roles?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題14】 Which three are true about advisors in an
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題13】Archivelog mode is enabled for your databas
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題12】 Your database is using AMM
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題11】Which is true about the (ADR)
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題10】 Which two are true about the Archive (ARCn
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題9】You want to install Oracle 11g database
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題8】Which two are true about undo tablespaces?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題7】 Examine theses SQL statements and output
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題6】Which structure can span multiple data files
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題5】Which two are true about roles?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題4】Which four are true about the tools used to?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題3】Which two are true about external tables?
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題2】...is true about FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET
【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題1】Which is true about the SYSTEM and SYSAUX表空間
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