【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題4】Which four are true about the tools used to?


【OCP最新題庫解析(052)--題4】Which four are true about the tools used to?

原創:   小麥苗   小麥苗DBA寶典   4月24日

Which  four  are true about the tools used to administer Oracle databases?

A.  DBCA can be used to upgrade databases.

B.  SQL*Plus can be used to start up Oracle instances.

C.  SQL*Plus can be used to create databases.

D.  SRVCTL can be used to shut down Oracle instances.

E.  RAMN can be used to start up Oracle  instances.

F.  The Data Pump utility can be used to load data from text files.

A nswer BCDE  

對於 A 選項, DBCA 不能升級 DB

對於 F 選項,資料泵 impdp 只能匯入由 expdp 產生的二進位制檔案。

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