ORACLE APP培訓筆記(3) -- Value Set


以Table Type Value Set為例,建立和應用value set

做試驗經常使用的一個目錄,也先存到這裡 ^_^   /oracle/apps1159/visdb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/VIS_tataoracle


建立 "Table Type Value Set"

1. Loing with "Application Developer" responsibility
2. click Application --&gt Validation --&gt Set
3. Input the Value Set Name, select the Format Type accordingly,set the Maximun Size
4. select the "Table" as the Validation Type
5. Click Edit Information
6. 選擇包含表名的Table Application -- "Oracle Receivables"
7. 選擇相應的Table Name -- "HZ_PARTIES"
8. 選擇所需的Column -- "PARTY_NAME"

1. click Concurrent --&gt Program
2. 選擇使用該引數的program -- "james_order_outbound_prg"
3. click the "Parameters" button
4. add the parameter
5. in the Validation --&gt Value set, select the correct value set -- "james_value_set"
6. click save, then close window

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
