In an Automatic Storage Management instance, V$ASM_DISK displays one row for every disk discovered by the Automatic Storage Management instance, including disks which are not part of any disk group. In a database instance, V$ASM_DISK only displays rows for disks in disk groups in use by the database instance.
Column | Datatype | Description |
GROUP_NUMBER | NUMBER | Number of the disk group containing the disk (foreign key to the V$ASM_DISKGROUP view) |
DISK_NUMBER | NUMBER | Number assigned to the disk within its disk group |
COMPOUND_INDEX | NUMBER | A 32-bit number consisting of a disk group number in the high-order 8 bits and a disk number in the low-order 24 bits (for efficient access to the view) |
INCARNATION | NUMBER | Incarnation number for the disk |
MOUNT_STATUS | VARCHAR2(7) | Per-instance status of the disk relative to group mounts:
HEADER_STATUS | VARCHAR2(12) | Per-instance status of the disk as seen by discovery:
MODE_STATUS | VARCHAR2(7) | Global status about which kinds of I/O requests are allowed to the disk:
STATE | VARCHAR2(8) | Global state of the disk with respect to the disk group:
REDUNDANCY | VARCHAR2(7) | External redundancy of the disk:
LIBRARY | VARCHAR2(64) | Name of the library that discovered the disk |
TOTAL_MB | NUMBER | Total capacity of the disk (in megabytes) |
FREE_MB | NUMBER | Unused capacity of the disk (in megabytes) |
NAME | VARCHAR2(30) | Name of the disk |
FAILGROUP | VARCHAR2(30) | Name of the failure group containing the disk |
LABEL | VARCHAR2(31) | Disk label portion of the name returned by discovery |
PATH | VARCHAR2(256) | Operating system pathname portion of the name returned by discovery |
UDID | VARCHAR2(64) | Universal Device ID portion of the name returned by discovery |
PRODUCT | VARCHAR2(32) | The name of the manufacturer and the name of the product. All disks with the same product id will have the same performance and reliability characteristics. |
CREATE_DATE | DATE | Date and time when the disk was added to the disk group |
MOUNT_DATE | DATE | Date and time when the disk was mounted by the first instance |
REPAIR_TIMER | NUMBER | Seconds remaining until the disk is automatically dropped (0 if not failed) |
READS | NUMBER | Total number of I/O read requests for the disk |
WRITES | NUMBER | Total number of I/O write requests for the disk |
READ_ERRS | NUMBER | Total number of failed I/O read requests for the disk |
WRITE_ERRS | NUMBER | Total number of failed I/O write requests for the disk |
READ_TIME | NUMBER | Total I/O time (in hundredths of a second) for read requests for the disk if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to true (0 if set to false) |
WRITE_TIME | NUMBER | Total I/O time (in hundredths of a second) for write requests for the disk if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to true (0 if set to false) |
BYTES_READ | NUMBER | Total number of bytes read from the disk |
BYTES_WRITTEN | NUMBER | Total number of bytes written to the disk |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7199859/viewspace-694341/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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