Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies 試圖載入格式不正確的程式
Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. 試圖載入格式不正確的程式。
出現上述問題的原因是,所載入的程式集dll檔案中有32位的,也有64位的,IIS 程式池在Windows下.Net FrameWork是64位的,要想正確使用,需要對程式池進行配置,如下圖:
- Could not load file or assembly 'xxx' or one of its dependencies.
- 安裝 Windows Service 試圖載入格式不正確的程式Windows
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- System.BadImageFormatException: 未能載入檔案或程式集""或它的某一個依賴項。試圖載入格式不正確的程式。...ORMException
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- sqlserver bulk insert報錯Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened.SQLServer
- 有關The Requested Item Or One Of Its Components Is Not Collected
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