crontab執行jar包時,Could not find or load main class(找不到或者載入不到主類)
crontab執行jar包時,Could not find or load main class(找不到或者載入不到主類)
source /etc/profile
java -cp xxxx-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.xxxx.recommend.rank.redis.FeatureRedis $1 > /home/reco/workspace/model_train/datajar/log_redis.txt 2>&1 &
0 9 * * * sh /home/reco/workspace/model_train/datajar/ `date -d "1 days ago" +\%F` 會報找不到或者載入不到主類
修改為 0 9 * * * cd /home/reco/workspace/model_train/datajar && sh `date -d "1 days ago" +\%F` 可正確執行
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