

1. 用到百分比的屬性:

  1. width, height
  2. margin, padding
  3. top, right, bottom, left
  4. transform – translate
  5. background-position, background-size

2. containing block

2.1 為什麼要知道containing block


The size and position of an element are often impacted by its containing block. Most often, the containing block is the content area of an element`s nearest block-level ancestor, but this is not always the case. In this article, we examine the factors that deterime an element`s containing block.

所以百分比都是相對於其containing block來計算的

2.2 containing block的定義


containing block的定義和元素的postion屬性有關:

  1. static 或 relative時:

    最近的__block container__(比如inline-block, block, list-item)或者建立了__formatting context__(比如table container, flex container, grid container或block container)的祖先元素的__context box__

  2. absolute:

    最近的position屬性不是static的祖先元素的__padding box__

  3. fixed:


  4. 特殊情況, fixed或absolute時, 當其父元素有以下情況出現時, containing block為其父元素的__padding box__:

    1). transformperspective屬性的值不是none

    2). will-change屬性的值是transformperspective

    3). filter屬性不是nonewill-change屬性的值是filter(只在Firefox中有效)

3. 如何計算

  1. height, top, bottom根據其containing block的height進行計算, 如果該height沒有指定(根據內容自適應), 那麼計算值為0
  2. width, left, right, padding, margin根據其containing block的width進行計算
  3. transform – translate, translateX, translateY, 根據__自身元素__的實際寬度計算
  4. background:

    4.1 background-position根據__自身元素(不是containing block)__的寬高計算

    4.2 background-size根據圖片的大小進行計算. 需要注意的時, 當使用單個百分比(比如background-size: 50%;)計算時, height會隱式設為auto, 當其height計算出來的值大於容器的高度時, 超出部分會隱藏. 如果需要全部顯示, 需要明確設定寬和高的值(比如, background-size: 50% 50%;)
