Benefits of ITIL
Benefits of ITIL to the customer/users:
1.The provision of IT services becomes more customer-focused and agreements about service quality improve the relationship;
2.The services are described better,in customer language,and in more appropriate detail;
3.The quality,availability,reliability and cost of the services are managed better.
Communication with the IT organization is improved by agreeing on the points of contact.
Benefits of ITIL to the IT organization:
1.The IT organization develops a clearer structure ,becomes more efficient,and more focused on the corporate objective;
2.The IT organization is more in control of the infrastructure and services it has responsibility for,and changes become easier to manage;
3.An effective process structure provides a framework for the effective outsourcing of elements of the IT services;
4.Following the ITIL best practices encourages a cultural change towards providing service,and supports the introduction of quality management systems based on the ISO 9000 series or on BS15000;
5.ITIL provides a coherent frame of reference for internal communication and communication with suppliers,and for the standardization and identification of procedures.
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