本文為美國阿巴拉契亞州立大學(作者:AHMAD GHADIRI)的碩士論文,共100頁。
蜜蜂在花朵、水果和植物之間飛來飛去採集花粉和花蜜。每產生一磅蜂蜜,蜜蜂飛行距離超過55000英里。蜜蜂從蜂箱到授粉,它們在蜂箱周圍的活動可以用作評估健康狀態是否良好的指標。蜂箱的健康狀況、蜜蜂的活動與它們所處的環境有關。因此,需要蒐集當地的天氣資料以及相應時間的蜜蜂活動情況。本文利用計算機技術設計並實現了一個自動化資料採集系統,該系統利用影像處理技術從蜂房入口前或頂部拍攝的視訊中提取資料,一些基於網路的應用程式用於從國家氣象局獲得溫度和溼度資料,以補充在蜂箱本地採集的資料。所有的天氣資料和從影像中提取的資料都儲存在MySQL資料庫中,並被作為本研究的一部分供iPhone App訪問。
Honey bees are responsible for more than half of the pollination acrossthe world, hence they have a very important role in agriculture. In recentyears, the number of honey bees have declined due to the Colony CollapseDisorder (CCD), which may be due to possible causes that include climate changeand pollution. A large number of bee researchers believe that climate changecan have a significant effect on honey bees [BeesFree Inc. 2012]. Honey beesfly around to pollinate the flowers, fruits, and plants and to collect pollen andnectar for their own use. For a pound of honey, honey bees fly over 55000 miles[York County Beekeepers’ Association 2011]. Since honey bees start from theirhives to go for pollination, their activities around the hive can be used as agood indicator of their health. The beehive’s health status and the activitiesof honey bees can be related to the environment in which they live. As such,local weather data need to be gathered and correlated to the level of beeactivities in front of their hives. In this thesis, an automated system isdesigned and implemented using computer science techniques for dataacquisition. The system utilizes image processing techniques to extract datafrom the videos taken in front or at the top of the
hive’sentrance. Several web-based applications are used to obtain temperature andhumidity data from the National Weather Service to supplement the data that arecollected at the hive locally. All the weather data and those extracted fromthe images are stored in a MySQL database for analysis and accessed by aniPhone App that is designed as part of this research.
1 引言
2 專案相關工作
3 影像處理技術
4 從影像中提取資料
5 識別蜜蜂並計算蜜蜂數量
6 影像採集與資料管理系統
7 實驗結果
8 結論與未來工作
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